tråd: Shenmue II
Odyssic4 years ago

More likely to happen that chow, not something for new runners.

tråd: Shenmue
Odyssic5 years ago

Quince tycker om detta
Odyssic5 years ago

You might be spamming start too much, it is possible to go into the pause screen and then go out of it again causing the cutscene to start.

Odyssic5 years ago

IDK if this is random but I don't know where else to put this.

I think I may have picked up the collision for the counter because I was able to walk through it. This turned a 69~ remaining on the timer into a 71.

As a side note: I think picking up the lantern on the first level has something to do with the run speed you have down the ramp going to it. I managed to get it 3 times in a row before because of the speed. So give yourself a big run up before going down. Check the IL to see what I mean. Doesn't work all the time however.

Odyssic5 years ago


Can't get lower than 1:35. Dunno how the route can be improved.

Odyssic5 years ago

Thanks to 100% being added, I was grinding out a real route for the portal level and discovered it can be beat really fast. Faster than the current IL WR in sugar level.

Questions: I'm awful at the Sugar level, how much lower can it go? Will it ever be lower than the portal secret level? Can the portal level be also lower?

Here are both IL WRs

Sugar: Portal:

catnip tycker om detta
Odyssic5 years ago

Just an update to this thread, I do update it when IL's are beaten. So make sure to upload when beating any. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17u4r6lMcIAUo2J-ufYlyRSqL92DenbIg5ZbVITQdC40/edit?usp=sharing

any% levels only.

Odyssic5 years ago

Is brontosaurus and ships achievements possible on first playthrough of the level?

Odyssic5 years ago

I think it should be self-explanatory. If it isn't, I'll try and work out something when I wake up.

Odyssic5 years ago

Nice, I've added the category and I'll have a try of the category when I get some time. Is the timing rule fine? I'm unsure when the achievement unlocks in game but we could use steam achievements in this case. Object achievements unlock on level completion only.

Odyssic5 years ago

I also didn't realise big bladder was steam only achievement. I guess all in game achievements plus all levels then. I still stand by 100% over 92%. I don't know how much of a deal breaker this is for you.

Odyssic5 years ago

Completely okay with the idea of All Levels. Unsure about 92% however, even if it sounds boring, I'd rather have a 100% over a partial completion category.

Question from me: Does the 10,000 object have to be collected before you reset the game data for the second run? -If you don't know, I would recommend testing it. You can remove achievements from your profile with SAM.Picker or family share the game to a new account.

Odyssic5 years ago

Car salesman IP is emu only, consistent crash after failing the mission on actual hardware.

tråd: Shenmue
Odyssic5 years ago

New glitch in shenmue allows you to open up the sub menu for quitting (also saving but get into that later) and keep playing. Why this is useful is you can skip triggers (cutscene, blockers and events). Where this is useful in the speedrun is getting on the bus when you normally can't and skipping 2 cutscenes.

Here is how to do the glitch:

As I point out in this video, there is 2 ways of doing this glitch. Bedroom and anywhere you want setup Bedroom setup: Biggest downside is you can only do this at night. The any% speedrun doesn't go to bed until the 3rd day meaning you won't be able to do the glitches. Anywhere you want setup (can't think of a better name): Being able to do this anywhere you want is such a big upside, it outweights the downside. Which is this method is way more easier to crash compared to bedroom setup.

For the second method, there is doubt that it's possible on console, I can't get it working with a controller on PC so I have to use keyboard and mouse.

Here is example of the glitch being used in a run:

Time stamp for getting on the bus: 7:57 video timer/7:48 livesplit timer Time stamp for skipping the Goro cutscene: 21:52 video timer/21:43 livesplit timer

Time save total: 1 minute 25 seconds

Guizhang cutscene skip:

Time save total: 1 minute 33 seconds, being able to make it to the bus stop 30 in game minutes sooner

There is another glitch like this but using the save sub menu. However this has only been confirmed on the unpatched PS4 version. This can be viewed here:

Thanks to AKheon for finding this

Quince och DigitalDuck gillar detta
tråd: Shenmue II
Odyssic5 years ago

New sticks route in autoscroller EDIT: no sound btw, I was listening to music. Starts first frame you enter the cave, ends the first frame after the subtitle disappears for "We have enough firewood"

Odyssic5 years ago

Quick edit: I've gone through current WR and added up the sum total of ILs. I've included it in the original post but here is the comparison if you want to see.


My estimate for this game was pretty off and sub 23 RTA is for sure possible given this data.

Phiyrebawl tycker om detta
Odyssic5 years ago

All this post is the ILs from https://www.speedrun.com/tweotw/individual_levels added up. Whenever an IL is beaten, I'll edit the original post with the new sum of best. I estimate there is about 15 seconds of loading for the game, 48 seconds for the "end of round" end of level and maybe about 20 seconds in total picking the next level. Taking this into account an estimate RTA time would be about 21:52.

Load remover won't be implemented, I've attempted to make it better but this game just isn't friendly so I don't trust anything I've made. So until something comes along, RTA will stay main timing method.

Just got to beat ILs to get it sub 20. Some ILs aren't fully optimised.

Hope this is clear, I'm phone posting.

catnip tycker om detta
Odyssic5 years ago

Note, just counting the ILs used in any% we can gauge around about what kind of time is possible for RTA.

Current WR RTA: 21:10 Current WR IL times total: 18:47 Sum of best IL: 18:07

Odyssic5 years ago

I'm hesitant to make IGT the main method for timing when the timer is like "EDIT 2" in the original post. I would maybe consider adding it so it can be a comparison but RTA right now works as the main method. IMO, menu select is part of the speedrun and the fact the timer doesn't count any of this means it can only be used as a gameplay timer.

Like I say, I'm unsure so post opinions.

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