tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic2 years ago

also viewmodels

speedrun: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic2 years ago


tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

if youre playing on steam, add -noborder to the portal launch preferences and make sure "always on top" is checked in livesplit settings

superlemonsui tycker om detta
tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

still dont know when new game vote is happening, but you should join the discord server

Hugnable tycker om detta
tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

it depends, you should join the discord and share an image of the textures youre unsure about

tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

most custom sounds/textures are fine, the only ones that aren't allowed are wall/floor textures and textures with lineups on them

Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

the game is like 40kb big, theres barely any code to execute

Cookie1284, linny356, och TrenttheN642 gillar detta
tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

just understand that the verifiers have a lot of work (and also it takes longer to get through for runs submitted with demos and no vid, which slows the whole process down a bit)

MarcP3k tycker om detta
tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

dont put the link to your demos in the space for a video link, put it in the description instead. saves the verifiers a headache.

Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

super common thing in sm64 speedruns for the runner to switch to a hori for bowser throws

Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

"Runs on Everdrive/flash carts are banned, as well as NTSC to PAL conversion."

Benjams och Shac0le gillar detta
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

Real speedrunners use gamecube controller

Gorillax4054, SupernovaCuber och 2 andra gillar detta
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

you could also use a gc controller, it has the notches, and just generally feels good

tråd: Portal
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

bruh, its like $11 CAD on steam, the better aim controls and strafing are worth it tbh but if you still want to use a controller, steam is capable of that

ThatBox tycker om detta
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

I play on gamecube controller. Use what's comfortable to you.

Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic3 years ago

Just 64 stars or 64 stars and BitS?

Ivory tycker om detta
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic4 years ago

3D all stars runs are on their own leaderboard as its own game

Pear tycker om detta
Saskatchewan, CanadaMashingSapphic4 years ago

Its an older timing method than file select, but not super uncommon. There's a lot of different timing methods, like SDA timing which starts on first input, or TAS timing which ends on last input

Om MashingSapphic
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