Lubaf3 years ago

Looking at , my Splicing Senses went wild. The setup of the timer concealing the coins and powerups makes me deeply concerned.

Was there a raw feed I don't know about? Or something else? Because, as far as I'm concerned, a run that could easily be spliced is deeply concerning.

To be clear: I'm not directly accusing the runner, I'm saying that concealing that much of the screen should be grounds for rejection on its own after the whole Celeste situation spelled out here:

Is there something I'm missing here?

Lubaf6 years ago

I'm legitimately curious: Would there be any interest in a category that is "100% but for the Gravedigger Heart Piece", or "100% but for 1 Heart Container"?

Thanks Luc "Dumb Questions" French

Om Lubaf
Gick med
6 years ago
3 years ago