European UnionKinzyKenzie1 year ago

It has come to my attention that the rules we had listed were leaving some room for interpretation. I want to clarify exactly how runs are timed:

It's not always clear to us moderators when exactly a runner presses the button to start a run, so this helps us maintain a level of accuracy across different runs. The rules have been updated to reflect this.

I apologize for any confusion, and if you feel your run requires re-verification feel free to contact me personally.

European UnionKinzyKenzie1 year ago

It seems like the fine folks at worm club are doing some Unity magic that hard-caps the game's framerate to your monitor's refresh rate. Multiple runs at 144 FPS/Hz have been submitted, and it's clear that players with this kind of hardware have an advantage over others.

How does the community feel about this? Should we take action here, and if so, what should be done? Would love to hear from you all.

European UnionKinzyKenzie4 years ago

#Introduction Here are the current rules and regulations regarding submitting to the IL Leaderboard regarding each event type or gamemode.

#Race Modes ##Domination Race, Shindo Racing The game does not natively display an In-Game Timer for this event, and since the autosplitter does not yet support Load Removal, Real Time Attack will be used.

Timing starts as the camera angle changes and "GO!" is shown on screen. Timing ends when the UI disappears when crossing the finish line.

#Challenge Modes ##Drift Attack, Frag Attack Same as before, however there is no finish line.

Timing ends when the timer runs out and player control is lost.

##Time Attack The game displays the In-Game Time at the end of the event, but this timer is paused whenever an icon is picked up, so RTA is still relevant. Runners are NOT required to calculate their own RTA times, and can simply enter IGT into both fields. The moderator will time the run as part of the verification process.

RTA timing rules remain the same as those of the Race Modes.


Note that IL submissions ask for how many stars you earned in the event so that different levels of success may be compared. They share the same board to discourage runners from intentionally submitting sub-optimal runs for "free WR's". The variable primarily exists for Drift - and Frag Attack events.

European UnionKinzyKenzie4 years ago

Hey everyone! I've seen a fair amount of people having trouble launching the game as supplied from the Resources section. Luckily for you, there's another game version that might work better for you.

Here's a link:

There's no perceivable difference between the two, but the unknown can be pretty scary. If there's any software magicians around that can compare the two directly that'd be grand <3

j0rpi tycker om detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie4 years ago

(In-Game Time versus Real-Time Attack)

As you might know, Yahtzee has graciously provided us with an In-Game Timer for our runs, but it arguably pauses too much. Removing loads and cutscenes is a given for IGT timing, but the timer is also paused while navigating towards the exit in a finished level.

This matter is, of course, open to discussion!

You are NOT required to include an external timer in your submissions. Your recording will be timed as part of the verification process.

JetpackDinosaur tycker om detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

Now that all public releases(?) have been updated, I don't know if the old patch version is still publicly available. Luckily, some of us kept backups of the game, which I can send over to aspiring runners.

Since I do not want to incite piracy in any way I will have to verify your ownership of the game, and I'll be doing so with Steam. Sorry to owners, but I don't know how to reliably verify that.

Reply here if you're interested!

Wolterhon, ProB6Mg, och Archmagus gillar detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

Should we add a category for completing the "Connections Challenge"?

I'm on the fence, because it's only slightly different from regular Any%. There is no menuing, no info pop-ups, and last but certainly not least, any crashes result in a hard reset. Oh, and the game crashes upon completion.

Please let me know what you think!

European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

"All Golds" is currently set to be an extra variable. Do you agree with this, or should it be its own category?

The variable exists mostly so that newer runners who do not get all gold stars in their Any% run could do All Golds as a separate run without pushing runs into separate boards.

If you disagree with this line of thinking, please let me know your thoughts!

European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

Would people be interested in seeing an IL leaderboard for Brütal Legend?

Personally, I think it would be pretty interesting to see what the top times would be for specific missions, assuming people would actually take the time to submit. If possible, we could show the difficulty on ILs since they're a lot more relevant IMO (for example, Fists Shall Fall & Dry Ice, Wet Graves).

If IL boards are added, I will be providing several save archives for people to use that include upgrades from the Motor Forge at the points where they are unlocked.

Any likes to this post will be seen as support.

Archmagus, Jutschl, och hoxi gillar detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

List of currently known cheat codes:

Use in the Main Menu: LeftShift + L + 1: Load Scene "Boat" LeftShift + L + 2: Load Scene "Island" LeftShift + L + 3: Load Scene "CaveExplosion" LeftShift + L + 4: Load Scene "Cave" LeftShift + L + 5: Load Scene "CaveExit" LeftShift + L + 6: Load Scene "Dance" LeftShift + L + 7: Load Scene "PickWinner" LeftShift + L + 8: Load Scene "Goodbye" LeftShift + L + 9: Load Scene "Final"

(Found by decompiling game files)

Please contact me if you find any cheat codes so I can add them to this list. Always nice to keep information centralized :)

ProB6Mg och Archmagus gillar detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie5 years ago

Title: All Golds+ Description: Complete all Simulations (Phase 1 - 4, no bonus) with all Gold or Platinum medals.

I think this would be a fun category since I'm personally not a fan of the "bare minimum" gameplay you'd have to do for Any%, getting only Bronzes, maybe some Silvers.

I know the usual rule is "actually do a run, then we'll make the category", just wanted to make sure you didn't hate the idea before I put in a bunch of effort.

Thanks for reading!

European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

This is something I've had issue with for some time, and has become even more of an issue since the following ahem discussion:

The general consensus seems to be that the City Segments hold no value on their own. They are simply segments of GTA:SA Any% that can be practiced on their own, but once mastered become entirely irrelevant to runners. Maybe they're an interesting resource for people who are curious about what a good time / the best time is for one particular segment.

That raises some questions, however. Sure LS, Badlands and SF pretty much mirror GTA:SA Any%, but that doesn't count for all categories. Most people simply make a Highlight within their Any% run to post up here, but that's not possible for all segments.

  • Desert% is done with LV unlocked, something that doesn't mirror the leading Any% strats, and skips having to set up 0* glitch. Secondly, Verdant Meadows isn't duped since N.O.E. falls outside of this particular category.
  • Runners make sure to acquire a parachute before starting Stowaway in LV% to make the mission significantly faster.

This does not accurately reflects segments of an Any% run, and thus can't be argued to be practice for such.

[quote=KZ_FREW]if LS actually had some unique routing or rationale to it within the category on its own, that would give it some legitimacy as a main or (more likely) misc category. But it doesn't. LS is contained within every main category. Unique routing and rationale is also why NMG was moved to the main boards. ...[/quote]

Following this rationale, Desert% could very well be listed as a Misc. category on the main board. LV% also, but the difference is obviously significantly smaller.

In conclusion, Desert% doesn't fit the descriptor given to the City Segments category-group. To my understanding the segment rules have been updated in the past when leading Any% strats changed, so why has that at some point stopped happening?

Ark tycker om detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

After poking around for quite some time, I've managed to create a useful autosplitter for Brütal Legend!

It is still very much a Beta, so if you want to try it out just drop a comment here, or hit me up on Discord.

Current state: Splits for all missions that award Fire Tributes.

On the docket:

  • Start the timer when a difficulty is chosen
  • Split for Welcome to the Age of Metal ( - Split for To Bladehenge! )
  • Find a better, generic split-method

(I will continue to update this post over time)

Turtsnaccko och ROMaster2 gillar detta
European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

Some people have an extremely hard-line stance against the altering of gamefiles in terms of Speedrunning, while others are fine with things like texture-mods.

What I propose does not alter a single thing during runs. What I want to do, is move a few files out of the game directory so that the game starts up faster.

By removing these files, the game will near-instantly present you with the "Brütal Legend - Press Start" screen.

Let me be clear that I DO NOT condone the removal of cutscenes that play during the run, such as the one at the end of Welcome to the Age of Metal, start of Dry Ice Wet Graves, or Sea of Black Tears. They can be skipped instantly, and saving a few frames by removing those files would simply be petty.

European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

This has been ruining a lot of my runs lately. Has anyone come across this? I can only guess it has something to do with the slowmo, that that's breaking the cutscene-trigger somehow.

European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

At first glance, changing the difficulty in Brütal Legend doesn't do a lot. Enemies still take the same amount of hits, after all. But after taking a closer look you'll realize the game changes quite a lot. Multiple aids are removed from the Intro (a.k.a. Welcome to the Age of Metal), Avatars (ex. Lionwhyte) become a lot more involved during stage battles, and some strats have to change drastically between Gentle and Brütal to accommodate these changes during your runs.

For these reasons, a Gentle-run and a Brütal-run aren't fairly comparable, and thus shouldn't share a leaderboard. That said, I'd like to propose splitting the boards into sub-categories by Difficulty instead of simply noting it as extra information.

For example:

European UnionKinzyKenzie6 years ago

I think this has been my third so far, lifetime. Shame it was during a relatively solid Any% run.

Om KinzyKenzie
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