Colorado, USAIsaotron9 years ago

That's what I did. Thank you for this clarification!

I saw on certain games, "Mario Superstar Baseball," where certain runs were considered GCN and some as Wii, even though it only listed GCN as the system the game was released on, so I had just wanted to see if I could do that. ^ ^

Colorado, USAIsaotron9 years ago

On "Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004" http://www.speedrun.com/ygo_wct_04/editrun/51104 this game was only released on GBA, but I did my run on a DS and the only way I can show that I did my run on a DS is to list it as one of the systems the game is on, even when it wasn't released for DS. Is there a way to only list that the game is for GBA, but still allow DS runs to show up? Please help! <3 -Isaotron

Om Isaotron
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