Isaac14085 years ago

Ah, haven't played for awhile, slowed down speed running when I had no where to post my times lol. And that's fine, but makes it less of an issue considering it alone only saved like 18 seconds per run. I'm just glad the devs are noticing this kinda stuff.

Isaac14085 years ago

I'm so excited about this. I know this doesn't mean people will run Glitchless like I've been doing, but still... The one exploit that blurred the line is all gone.

Isaac14086 years ago

Nah, I shoulda recorded it after it happened in a row but I'm not even considering recording my runs until they're below an hour. I'm only at 1:18:55 right now.

What were your thoughts though?

Isaac14086 years ago

Well just after the first dreamer, when I select fell under the elevator, half the time he would be unable to move from that spot. I can shoot spirit, heal, and pause; but he's not going anywhere. May not be a soft lock, but definitely a pause and quit kinda thing.

Isaac14086 years ago

Ahh, didn't think about the select fall, good point.

I'm gonna start running glitchless and omit select-falling entirely. Not only did it only save about a minute, but it could soft-lock the game by getting you stuck in elevator shafts.

Isaac14086 years ago

I started practicing speed running this game and I've been loving it. One question I was curious about though: Why is glitchless (any%/106%) not a category?

My guess was lack of interest, but a lot of games have glitchless categorizes and was surprised this one doesn't have one.

Either way I want to keep practicing it even if I'm the only one doing it.

Om Isaac1408
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