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United StatesFuryForged9 months ago

I once restarted for 40 minutes before getting another acceleratium start, back when I used to really spam random seeds. I pretty much stopped running because I don't have the time to restart like that anymore, and the set seeds are so extremely optimized, so when I first heard of this mod, I thought it was really cool - but I do agree that if any mod is allowed, then how can you tell if someone isn't altering that mod to give more of an advantage? So, I guess, restarts it should stay.

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United StatesFuryForged1 year ago

Egg / Eggless would be both hilarious and fitting for the lore of the game.

KaB00M tycker om detta
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United StatesFuryForged2 years ago

Being able to use the wands from ghosts would be an unfair advantage, since you can easily stuff your bones folder with perfect travel, boss killer, attack wands. It would mean we'd likely have to all use a fresh save to run the game, or a master save uploaded here so that everyone is on the same level field.

Letaali, Bard and Bonfire need to weigh in, as the current mods.

tråd: Noita
United StatesFuryForged3 years ago

Those rules were made back in early access, when there were only a fraction of the current reactions in-game. We should probably have a larger discussion again about the rules. They are referring specifically to AP/Midas, though. LC is a heal, which bears no use for a no-hit run, but Midas can be used to tunnel through the entire game world easily, as well as providing enough gold to purchase anything in HMs that is desired - this would go against the spirit of the category.

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United StatesFuryForged4 years ago

Hey, so are we going to be wiping the leaderboards after the release of the full 1.0 version of the game? OR, will we have "Early Access" and "Full Version" sections?

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