Montana, USAFortress_2 years ago

Edit: I had no idea this game had a 'True Classic' and a 'Modern Classic' mode lol. Explains why I wasn't seeing this in Kureina's most recent run.

Hey, all, sorry if this may have already been discovered somewhere, but I was playing around with the movement in this game and found some neat stuff that might help speed up sections of the game in Classic mode.

I don't know the etiquette of the site, but I talk about it here:

I'm hoping somebody can figure out how to use it in conjunction with some other movement I'm trying here:

Anyway, really hope that's helpful at all. Most of what I've been playing around with has been on the opening two screens of stage 2. I'm pretty new/casual so I'm definitely sure this could be made better. Again, really hoping nobody else is doing this or I'll feel silly.

Om Fortress_
I like doing OoT no-logic randos and fighting games. Mostly a casual.
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