Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

A little late as we might have forgotten to open this one. :D

But better late then never, so if you got any feedback for SpeedCon 2021, you can leave it here. :)

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

[center] [big] General Information Thread [/big]

http://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

Hello everyone,

this is the updated General Information Thread for the online variant of SpeedCon 2021.

[section=General Information]

Facts Will be live from April 2nd to April 4th. Our target charity is Save the Children Stream: The stream will be live at https://www.twitch.tv/speedcon

[section=Submissions, Cuts and Schedule] Submissions where open from 26.02.21 to 7.03.21 Cuts: https://speedcon.eu/view/cuts/SC2021/ Schedule:

[section=Volunteers] Information about Volunteering will follow soon. For this online marathon we'll need help with chat moderation and donation reading.

Please join our Discord for any questions: https://speedcon.eu/discord That's also the best place to stay up to date with information regarding SpeedCon.

If you want to support this project, please visit this link: https://speedcon.eu/tips Any donation will be used to improve the stream and on-site experience for future events.

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

This is the submission thread for the replacement SpeedCon 2021 Online.

The submission form is linked at the end of this Post. Please read it carefully before submitting.

Submissions are now: Closed View submitted runs: https://speedcon.eu/submissions

[section=General Information]

The event will run from April 2nd to April 4th. It will be streamed on our channel and will support Save the Children.

Submissions will be open till midnight GMT+1 on the 7th of March. Should there be too little submissions an extension by a week is possible.

[section=Submission Guidelines]

  • Discord is used as the main communication system.       You are required to join our Discord server!

  • Races for this online marathon are (hopefully the last time) not permitted.

  • Coop run's that only have one perspective streamed are allowed.

  • Additional commentators for your run are allowed.

  • Please make sure you have a decent mic and that you can stream your game with a reasonable video quality.

  • A facecam is not required but highly appreciated.

  • Emulators are allowed for this one as long as the leaderboards for your game accept them.


  • For this marathon, cuts are done in one round.
  • We will do our best to do the cuts and publish a first schedule as quickly as possible.

Make sure you are on our Discord! Then -> Submit here <-

Feel free to contact us on Discord if you’ve got any questions.

CaptainExo tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

[center] [big] Important Information [/big]

https://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

For most of you this is probably not a surprise, but it is about time to give a proper update. We took a little bit of a pause time to observe the situation to make the best prediction, and it's about time to give a decision update.

SpeedCon 2021 will given with current perspective absolutely not be possible as a normal on-site event. cirBlech So we hereby want to announce that like last year we will hold a online event instead at the same date. (cut short to Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

Please join our Discord to stay up2date.

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

This is the Submission Thread for SpeedCon 2021.

Please be aware that given current pandemic, there sadly still is the chance of changes or cancellation. We're at this point planning in good hope to be able to hold the event by that time.

The Submission Form is linked at the end of this Post. Please read it carefully before submitting.

Submissions are now: Closed View submitted runs: https://speedcon.eu/submissions

[section=General Informations]

The event will run from the 31th of March to the 5th of April 2021 in Potsdam, Germany. This will be an on-site event, so make sure you are able to attend when submitting a run! SpeedCon 2021 is located here.

You need to be at least 18 years old to attend! Exception: If you are 16 or 17 years old, you will need written permission from your parents.

Please note: When your game gets accepted, we automatically reserve you a ticket for attending. There will be a small ticket fee of ~17.80€, covering rent, insurance and other direct costs.

If mass housing is required, calculate an additional fee of up to 50€ for Wednesday to Monday. Please only register for mass housing if you actually need it, there is only a very limited amount of slots available.

The closest bigger hotels are the BnB Potsdam and Mercure.

[section=Submission Guidelines]

  • Discord is used as the main communication system; you are required to join our Discord server.
  • Races are limited to two runners.
  • Runs that have been accepted last year can be submitted again, but will be judged more critically.

[section=Console Runner Information]

  • We don't provide consoles or cables, you will have to bring your own! This includes power adapters for consoles with voltage or frequency levels that differ from the standard in Germany.
  • No Emulation! Only DosBox and official emulators like Wii VC or similar are allowed.

We will officially support these inputs:

  • Composite for SD Consoles (We provide CRTs for Composite)
  • S-Video for SD Consoles (We provide CRTs for S-Video)
  • RGB scart for SD consoles (We provide CRTs for RGB scart)¤¤¤
  • Component for SD & HD consoles (only 480i/p and above) (Displayed on PC monitors trough a Scaler, might have a delay)¤¤¤
  • HDMI (only 480i/p and above) (Displayed on PC monitors)

We won't support:

  • VGA
  • RF
  • Everything else not mentioned

¤¤¤ While we have RGB scart and Component available, we recommend to have a backup alternative.

[section=PC Runner Information]

  • We will provide a runner PC; If you plan on doing races, we will use a practice PC for the second runner. Feel free to bring your own laptop (HDMI video output required).
  • We will provide generic peripherals for the PCs.
  • Game installation will be done during console runs. Please talk to us ahead of time to install your games!!!

Please note: we highly encourage you to bring your games and/or required software on a USB stick. Don't rely on a good internet connection to be able to install your games.


  • We will try our best to provide as much practice gear as possible.
  • We will have CRT's for old consoles, HDMI PC Monitors for HD consoles and at least one separate PC for practice available.
  • Our goal is to provide as much as we can, but our budget is very limited. If you want to help us out, you can do so with a tip: http://tips.speedcon.eu/


  • For this marathon, cuts are done in one round.
  • Expect cuts to be announced somewhen in January.

Make sure you are on our Discord! Then -> Submit here <-

Feel free to contact us on Discord if you’ve got any questions.

Deathmask, Z4T0X och 2 andra gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul3 years ago

[center] [big] General Information Thread [/big]

https://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

Hello everyone,

this is the General Information Thread for SpeedCon 2021. It will regularly be updated with the latest information regarding the event.

[section=General Information]

**We currently plan in hope that the event can be held in a somewhat normal condition by the end of March 2021.

Facts Open for everyone from March 31th to April 5th. We aim for a maximum of 100 attendees this year if the sittuation allows for it by the time. Our target charity will likely be Save the Children again.

Venue: Club SPARTACUS at the freiLand Potsdam

Stream: The stream will run from Wednesday afternoon until very early Monday morning (CEST (UTC+2)). Leave a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/speedcon to not miss it.

Map: https://speedcon.eu/map

[section=Attending] Guest reservations: Will open some when after submisson/cuts if possible. Do note that more detailed info might be delayed due to potential covid limits. Cost: The individual expense coverage estimate is around ~17.80€, covering venue rent, insurance and disposable material.

Mass Housing: Will be on the area of the freiLand Potsdam if the sittuation allows for it. It will be open from Wednesday afternoon till Monday afternoon.

[section=Submissions, Cuts and Schedule] Submissions: Closed (13.11.20 till 13.12.20) Cuts: - Schedule: -

[section=Volunteers] Information about Volunteering will follow closer to the event.

Please join our Discord for any questions: https://speedcon.eu/discord That's also the best place to stay up to date with information regarding SpeedCon.

If you want to support this project, please visit this link: https://speedcon.eu/tips Any donation will be used to improve the stream and on-site experience.

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

This is the submission thread for SpeedConline 2020.

The submission form is linked at the end of this Post. Please read it carefully before submitting.

Submissions are now: Closed View submitted runs: https://speedcon.eu/submissions

[section=General Information]

The event will run from October 10th to October 11th. It will be streamed on our channel and our target charity is the Freiland Potsdam as an aid during corona times for them and their social projects.

Submissions will be open till midnight CEST on the 20th of September.

[section=Submission Guidelines]

  • Discord is used as the main communication system.       You are required to join our Discord server!

  • We do not allow races for this online marathon. (Next time if all goes well.)

  • Additional commentators for your run are allowed.

  • Please make sure you have a decent mic and that you can stream your game with a reasonable video quality.

  • A facecam is not required but highly appreciated.

  • Emulators are allowed for this one as long as the leaderboards for your game accept them.


  • For this marathon, cuts are done in one round.
  • We will do our best to do the cuts and publish a first schedule as quickly as possible.

Make sure you are on our Discord! Then -> Submit here <-

Feel free to contact us on Discord if you’ve got any questions.

Zavlon7, amzy och 2 andra gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

[center] [big] General Information Thread [/big]

http://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

Hello everyone,

this is the General Information thread for SpeedConline 2020.

[section=General Information]

Facts Will be live from October 10th to October 11th. Our target charity is or regular location the Freiland Potsdam as an aid during corona times for them and their social projects. Stream: The stream will be live at https://www.twitch.tv/speedcon

[section=Submissions, Cuts and Schedule] Submissions where open from 13.09.20 to 20.09.20 Cuts: https://speedcon.eu/view/cuts/SCO2020/ Schedule:

[section=Volunteers] Information about Volunteering will follow soon. For this online marathon we'll need help with chat moderation and donation reading.

Please join our Discord for any questions: https://speedcon.eu/discord That's also the best place to stay up to date with information regarding SpeedCon.

If you want to support this project, please visit this link: https://speedcon.eu/tips Any donation will be used to improve the stream and on-site experience for future events.

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago


Propants, OfficialShort och 2 andra gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

SpeedCon 2020 has come to an end, and although due to it beeing an online marathon and thus different then usually, we'd love to hear what you thought.

Xoneris och SmaragdSL gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

This is the Submission Thread for SpeedCon 2020 (Corona Edition).

The Submission Form is linked at the end of this Post. Please read it carefully before submitting.

Submissions are now: Closed View submitted runs: http://submissions.speedcon.eu

[section=General Information]

The event will run from the 17th of April to the 19th of April 2020. (Or 18th - 19th depending on submissions) It will be streamed on our channel and will support Save the Children with specific focus on SARS-CoV-2 related programs.

Submissions will be open till the 29th of March.

[section=Submission Guidelines]

  • Discord is used as the main communication system; you are required to join our Discord server.

  • We do not allow races for this online marathon.

  • Additional commentators for your run are allowed.

  • Please make sure you have a decent mic and that you can stream your game with a reasonable video quality.

  • A facecam is not required but highly appreciated.

  • Emulators are allowed for this one as long as the leaderboards for your game accept them.


  • For this marathon, cuts are done in one round.
  • We will do our best to do the cuts and publish a first schedule as quickly as possible.

Make sure you are on our Discord! Then -> Submit here <-

Feel free to contact us on Discord if you’ve got any questions.

SmaragdSL, MC_Jonny_117, och Yorkie gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

[center] [big] General Information Thread (Corona Edition) [/big]

http://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

Hello everyone,

this is the General Information thread for SpeedCon 2020 (Corona Edition).

[section=General Information]

Facts Will be live from April 17th to April 19th. Our target charity is Save the Children with specific focus on SARS-CoV-2 related programs.

Stream: The stream will be live at https://www.twitch.tv/speedcon

[section=Submissions, Cuts and Schedule] Submissions are closed. Cuts: http://cuts.speedcon.eu/SC2020CE Schedule:

[section=Volunteers] Information about Volunteering will follow soon. For this online marathon we'll need help with chat moderation and donation reading.

Please join our Discord for any questions: https://discord.speedcon.eu That's also the best place to stay up to date with information regarding SpeedCon.

If you want to support this project, please visit this link: http://tips.speedcon.eu Any donation will be used to improve the stream and on-site experience for future events.

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

As hopefully all of you are in our Discord you propably allready know the news.

Due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 crisis we also couldn't proceed our event as planned and had to cancel SpeedCon 2020 as an on-site event.

Whether or not it can take place at a later date is totally unclear.

We are currently looking into possibly holding a online marathon as a replacement. To stay up to date with that join: http://discord.speedcon.eu

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

Here are the cuts for SpeedCon 2020: http://cuts.speedcon.eu/SC2020

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul4 years ago

This is the Submission Thread for SpeedCon 2020.

The Submission Form is linked at the end of this Post. Please read it carefully before submitting.

Submissions are now: Closed View submitted runs: http://submissions.speedcon.eu

[section=General Informations]

The event will run from the 15th of April to the 20th of April 2020 in Potsdam, Germany. This will be an on-site event, so make sure you are able to attend when submitting a run! SpeedCon 2020 is located here.

You need to be at least 18 years old to attend! Exception: If you are 16 or 17 years old, you will need written permission from your parents.

Please note: When your game gets accepted, we automatically reserve you a ticket for attending. There will be a small ticket fee of ~18.88€, covering rent, insurance and other direct costs.

If mass housing is required, calculate an additional fee of up to 50€ for Wednesday to Monday. Please only register for mass housing if you actually need it, there is only a very limited amount of slots available.

The closest bigger hotels are the BnB Potsdam and Mercure.

[section=Submission Guidelines]

  • Discord is used as the main communication system; you are required to join our Discord server.
  • Races are limited to two runners.
  • Runs that have been accepted last year can be submitted again, but will be judged more critically.

[section=Console Runner Information]

  • We don't provide consoles or cables, you will have to bring your own! This includes power adapters for consoles with voltage or frequency levels that differ from the standard in Germany.
  • No Emulation! Only DosBox and official emulators like Wii VC or similar are allowed.

We will officially support these inputs:

  • Composite for SD Consoles (We provide CRTs for Composite)
  • S-Video for SD Consoles (We provide CRTs for S-Video)
  • RGB scart for SD consoles (We provide CRTs for RGB scart)¤¤¤
  • Component for SD & HD consoles (only 480i/p and above) (Displayed on PC monitors trough a Scaler, might have a delay)¤¤¤
  • HDMI (only 480i/p and above) (Displayed on PC monitors)

We won't support:

  • VGA
  • RF
  • Everything else not mentioned

¤¤¤ While we have RGB scart and Component available, we recommend to have a backup alternative.

[section=PC Runner Information]

  • We will provide a runner PC; it will most likely run Windows 7. If you plan on doing races, we will use a practice PC for the second runner. Feel free to bring your own laptop (HDMI video output required).
  • We will provide generic peripherals for the PCs.
  • Game installation will be done during console runs. Please talk to us ahead of time to install your games!!!

Please note: we highly encourage you to bring your games and/or required software on a USB stick. Don't rely on a good internet connection to be able to install your games.


  • We will try our best to provide as much practice gear as possible.
  • We will have CRT's for old consoles, HDMI PC Monitors for HD consoles and at least one separate PC for practice available.
  • Our goal is to provide as much as we can, but our budget is very limited. If you want to help us out, you can do so with a tip: http://tips.speedcon.eu/


  • For this marathon, cuts are done in one round.
  • Expect cuts to be announced somewhen in January.

Make sure you are on our Discord! Then -> Submit here <-

Feel free to contact us on Discord if you’ve got any questions.

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul5 years ago

[center] [big] General Information Thread [/big]

http://speedcon.eu/img/logoa.png [/center]

Hello everyone,

this is the General Information Thread for SpeedCon 2020. It will regularly be updated with the latest information regarding the event.

[section=General Information]

Facts Open for everyone from April 15th to April 20th. We aim for around 110 Attendees this year. Our target charity will likely be Save the Children again.

Venue: Club SPARTACUS at the freiLand Potsdam

Stream: The stream will run from Wednesday afternoon until very early Monday morning (CEST (UTC+2)). Leave a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/speedcon to not miss it.

Map: http://map.speedcon.eu

[section=Attending] Guest reservations: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsoZsw-vIULmKX6YGmlrNHQWpYb_Xuj0d7aiex3silhTwZ6Q/viewform Cost: The price this year is ~17.80€, covering venue rent, insurance and disposable material.

Mass Housing: Will be on the area of the freiLand Potsdam. It will be open from Wednesday afternoon till Monday afternoon.

[section=Submissions, Cuts and Schedule] Submissions are closed. Cuts: http://cuts.speedcon.eu/SC2020 Schedule: http://schedule.speedcon.eu

[section=Volunteers] Information about Volunteering will follow closer to the event.

Please join our Discord for any questions: http://discord.speedcon.eu That's also the best place to stay up to date with information regarding SpeedCon.

If you want to support this project, please visit this link: http://tips.speedcon.eu Any donation will be used to improve the stream and on-site experience. For 2020, the focus will lie on expanding the audio setup with a new mixer and eventually more headsets for couch and hosts.)

septerna, DAVIIID och 2 andra gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul5 years ago

Are you ready? PogChamp

BambooShadow, Xoneris och 2 andra gillar detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul5 years ago

Well, name says it all. If you have some pictures to share, leave em here. :)

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul5 years ago

You can find our schedule here: http://schedule.speedcon.eu/

Brandenburg, GermanyFPaul5 years ago

Here are the cuts for SpeedCon 2019: http://cuts.speedcon.eu/SC2019

SmaragdSL tycker om detta
Om FPaul
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