tråd: Black Mesa

Oh and if you need help with tricks youll find plenty on the discord

Rubii tycker om detta
tråd: Black Mesa

We have the no clipping% which dosnt have any major glitches. We have tried to have a glitchless one but it was causing too many problems due to the arbitrary nature of the ruling and the jankyness of the source engine

Rubii tycker om detta
tråd: Black Mesa

I vote for RTA

My main reason is it would limit tricks we currently use in full runs for no reasons. Making IL runs deathless and forbidding loading is an artefact from the past. Also note games used to be ran at highest difficulty only, which is something almost no game does anymore. The only reason people did that was to artificially increase the challenge and entertainment value when speedrunning was freshly born and searching its identity and trying to gain legitimacy in the eSport world.

We would not be the first to walk away from the old way of speedrunning. I will give the Doom series as an example.

This is a copy paste from the rules of the original Doom: ''Beat map on Ultra-Violence. No cheating, no saving, no loading.'' (Ultra-Violence is the hardest difficulty level)

This is a copy paste from Doom 2016, the latest in the series: ''Use any means to complete the level from start to finish''

A perfect example in my mind of the old mentality and the new one. So, since we're voting on it, im voting for the newer one.

tråd: The Site

Hi, I'd like to be added as a super mod for https://www.speedrun.com/drp I have submitted 2 runs 3 weeks ago and they havent got verified. I've contacted the mod via Discord in the first week beceause I had questions regarding start/end times and I asked him if he needed an extra mod for the games. My demands got ignored. I see he still connect to SRC every 2-3 days but he appenrently dont have the time to verefy two 50 mins runs. I havent retried to contact him as I dont think I should have to chase him around for him to take care of his duty and he dosnt seems to bother to answer me with a simple ''No''

I dont know if its worth mentioning but I originaly made a request for the game to be addded to SRC but retracted it because the current mod did a request too, 5 days before me. The game wasnt added when I made my request.

YUMmy_Bacon5 tycker om detta

I thougth I would be the first to submit this game but oh well. If you need an extra mod im in.

I had planned to submit my run under All levels - Easy category. I plan to do medium and hard runs too. It would be a more appropriate name for the categories.

Any% can exist if some1 find a way to skip levels but given the way the game is coded, I dont foresee it to happen in a near future.

I think the timer should start when you click Play in the main menu since this is the first input the player give.

I also think timer should stop when the score window pop at the end of Tim since this is when the player loose coontrol of the character. You also dont need to press Continue for the game to register the level as complete.

tråd: Black Mesa

I just created a discord for this community since it's been steadily growing.

If you are new, feel free to join and ask your questions.


tråd: Black Mesa

I would suggest you watch the first 15 minutes of each WR and see for yourself. It will give you a pretty good idea of the differences.

tråd: Black Mesa

Well I guess theres no good or bad answer to your question. In the end its a matter of personal preferences.

The main difference is there is 130 ppl running HL1 and only 3 ppl for Black Mesa. I've seen games with small community wheres mod was agreeing to create whatever categories ppl wanted and it ended by everyone being #1 on their own leader board but they were literally alone on them. What is fun in eSports or sports is everyone is competing in the same frame. To sum it up, with only 3 submitted time on the leader board, I dont really see a point in competing for the best gold split.

Bradley0130 tycker om detta
tråd: Black Mesa

If we can vote id say ''NO!''. Im not opposed to see new categories, I personally would like something like Crowbar Only or a run based on the Rare Specimen achievement. But chapter based categories? Hell no. Also would create problem with what you can start with and so on.

Bradley0130 tycker om detta
tråd: Black Mesa

Bunny hopping and tons of other glitches

tråd: Black Mesa

Noob question but how did you calculated the time without loads for the mod version? Did you had to do it manually or did you used some sort of script?

Maxxuss tycker om detta

We should take this occasion to clarify some rules. First, i see no reason not to allow zone stacking in the glitched category. Second, the rules for the timer need to be changed or clarified. No ones is actually starting his timer at first building input. It should be changed to when you press the button after naming your city. If its not changed, it should be more clear: can you actually go and change your taxes beforehand? Thats not a building input after all.

Also, the infinite gift glitch is allowed or not?

And OOB?

You should look better, the max value thing have been used by every single person who used the debug menu. Also, it dosnt give you infinite money, it reduces constructions cost to 0.

I like the idea of having custom city design for lower population category. Sadly i haven't been able to find anything better than the 500k "gothic sarah" design for the 400k category.

Ive tried many version of the bonified 300k run and many dwarfed version of the 500k but they all failed.

Anyone ever done work in that direction? If not what would be your estimate in the numbers of zones required?

Om ET_wont_phone_home
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