tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Eh. Not complete? No. Not fully optimised to within a fibre of its being? Yes. Besides some unclear level instructions (tell me the first thing you did when you saw the tree was capture a wisp of the colour not currently being sucked in and throwing it in), frankly bullshit level design (the last level where there is the stairs after the bell and there is a sawblade which you almost always get hit by besides standing on the very edge) and slightly buggy gimmicks (the eye thing where you have to not get seen), this is basically functional. I bet if there is at least one function or more that was in beta somewhere else on speed run that is a category. Anyway, that's my thoughts.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

You saw another one that was faster than this but I did this one because it has a timer

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

post secrets as well as tips and tricks here, with a video link and your name.

see guides for more info

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

@MCMic Is it a rabbit? the point is, I win. I run this way because i'm used to it, and the big tux allows for more mistakes. I will set up that forum post.

I also believe that brmbrmcar is not just "someone", but an important member of this community who shows the same (if not more) level of dedication as you or I.

Also to be fair, I have no idea why epitaphios is here (no offense without you runs would take forever to be accepted)

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Fair point, he even scares me.

Tell you what, ill give him my reccomendation that you be modded, you've been here a while, you're up for it

MCMic, do that thing please.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Hahaha, that was just were you were supposed to put your video link/webm link. Sorry if that confused you.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

@brmbrmcar the idea was to get everyone to make short videos and posting it on the guide (only mods would be able to do this ofc) if u guys are worried about permission, you have mine to edit the guide.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago


tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Yeah sorry, bit of a joke. Also, I believe you possess the same if not more skill than namesnipes Inb4 namesnipes sees this and uses this joke on me. Also haven't had much time to do full game of runs because of school and other video games.

namesnipes tycker om detta
tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Yeah, you should beat me, but not MCMic, because He's infallible in every way

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

@brmbrmcar how did you get this cheats menu? Not going to reject your run, just wanna know

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Yes, either suggest those category's or run the game because we don't just give mod out to whoever asks for it. Anyway, please do some runs!

Dunglez maganglez

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Brmbrmcar, you're getting there, i just have 2 suggestions in order of importance, lowest to highest.

  1. There is something wrong with the audio in this run, it doesn't matter very much (MCMic's first runs were silent) but would be better fixed.

  2. Please use a splitting program (I use WSplit) to time instead of doing yourself. It is better because you can compare times for each level and see how good you do.

P.S. I noticed something about STK on your channel, would you be interested in doing some ILs?

Sincerely, Doogles McGoogles

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Please read the description of my run. It allows those who need to copy my strategy to do so, while there is less pressure to record and perform a perfect run.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

I would appreciate it if Epitaphios would make him/herself known here, as, no offense, I don't know why you are here, but I do thank you for accepting runs.

tråd: SuperTux
AustraliaDugglez8 years ago

Well, I didn't see any coin block, but the enemys were not in the same spot, as I said, their hit boxes were lowered

Om Dugglez
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