United StatesCransoon8 years ago

The reason 1.0/1.1 is banned on emu is because it is basically a faster version of N64. By banning 1.0/1.1, it essentially makes emulator into slower version of VC, rather than a faster version of N64. This means that nobody running on consoles is at a disadvantage to emulators (at least, that's the way I see it).

Under that train of thought (emu is slower VC, not faster N64), there's no reason for GIM to be banned, since it works on VC.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

I just recently switched from emu to VC, and I really don't understand this train of logic.

GIM is not a 1.0/1.1 exclusive glitch, so why ban it? The fact that it only works on VC technically makes it a 1.2 exclusive glitch, right? Yeah, emu is faster than N64, but the only console that can use GIM is VC anyway, which is significantly faster than emu. Allowing emu players to use GIM gives them literally no advantage over VC. The game runs slower than VC, the pause buffering is terrible (and slower) compared to VC. So banning it would just be punishing emu players for no good reason, imo.

Like, I could be missing something super obvious (and please correct me if I am), but it just seems like the community already punishes emu players enough without banning stuff arbitrarily like this.

Marthur tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

I'm interested in possibly learning MZM for the upcoming 12 hour challenge that Go1den is putting on (http://pastebin.com/8Dqc1U7W). But I know that gameboy advance emulation has a reputation for being very inaccurate. Are there any emulators that are preferred over others? And would the run I do be considered legitimate if I were to submit it here?

Edit: Also, is the beginner tutorial in the "Guides" section still up to date? I just noticed that it's 2 years old.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Unless you're doing 100%. Then you can sqwwoob, you just can't wwoob. But welcome, great to see another new runner. :)

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Link's Awakening DX or Link's Awakening any% The more popular categories are No WW/OoB, which are around an hour, but the true any% WR's for the games are about 4.5 minutes and 1.5 minute respectively.

tråd: The Site
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

So I beat the WR time in bit Dungeon II, and submitted the time about a week ago. Neither of the mods for the game have been online in over 2 months. Would it be possible to have my run verified and/or made a mod on the game?

YUMmy_Bacon5 tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

I know this is a bit late, but I think Glitchless is the easiest to learn, tbh. Getting really good at it is hard because it's all about movement optimizations, but I think it has the easiest learning curve (provided you measure learning curve through number of frame perfect tricks to learn). Speaking mostly from experience, since it's the first/only OoT category I currently know.

The obvious downside is time. It's a super long run, even at high levels. Also, it might just not interest you, if you're interested primarily in learning the glitches of the game. Figured I'd just give my perspective on it, though.

erru9107 och Sekanor gillar detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Like everybody else here, I had to learn the unbuffered strat, because there wasn't a buffered version when I started running LADX. I used to make sure I got it 2-3 times in a row before almost every run I started, and my consistency in runs was pretty good. However, I took a few breaks from the game, and lost my muscle memory for it, so buffered has been a godsend. In the last 5ish months, there's only been 1 time I've failed rooster skip in a run, and it was because bow-wow got in the way. Like Zorlax said, unbuffered only matters if you really need those 8-10 seconds of timesave. But starting out, I'd recommend buffered.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Used to use the F310 that Seabass is using. Ended up switching to the Dualshock 4. It's probably the comfiest controller I've ever used. A = X B = O (Yes, I know those are backwards, it's just how I initially learned the game) Dpad = Dpad Start = L1 Select = L2

I also use DS4Windows, which lets me map my split button to R1, which was useful until I started using Spiraster's auto-splitter.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

No S+Q - Keep as main Any% - Keep as main 100% - Keep as main S+Q - No opinion All Instruments - Move to misc Legacy - Make an "ultra misc" section, and move it there. Kappa (aka move to misc)

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Just finished my first run/PB using the autosplitter. I highly recommend it. It's convenient, consistent, and works really well.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Quick aside. "A setup seems out of the question, because Cranson was trying to make a setup for early hookshot last night, and that didn't turn out too well." I actually found a setup that seems to have about a 50% chance of working, which is pretty viable in a run, considering respawning the key is easy and it saves so much time. But if failing it had a chance of crashing the game, I definitely wouldn't call it viable anymore, lol.

Anyway, sorry about topic change. Carry on.

SwordlessLink tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

You know what? Never mind. Ignore my last post. You guys do your thing. I'll do mine. I give up. I'm mentally and physically tired. I've lost sleep the last 3 damn nights over this (yup, I'm THAT loser). I'm also one of the guys who the lacked of foresight to actually make a fun category, apparently. Anyway, I'm done with this. I'm gonna run what I'm gonna run, you'll run whatever you wanna run, and the category will continue to contradict itself. Everybody wins, I guess.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

If 100% is truly about collecting what is in the game, please explain the trading side quest. If we're going to allow the early magnifying glass in without a hitch, we've now taken a 13 part trading sequence, and reduced it down to 4 step sequence: Honeycomb, Pineapple, Bra/Necklace, Scale. How is it that the same logic is not applied there? What does "100%" mean, when you're not trading with 9 people who you were intended to trade with? For that matter, what does "100%" mean when you leave 6 seashells uncollected at the end of the game?

This category has always been about the ends, not the means. In that way, the term 100% is a misnomer (and why I've been arguing that "All Upgrades" is a better description of THIS category than "100%").

"There is no effective difference between 20 and 26 seashells, because they all disappear after the L-2 sword". "There is no effective difference between a 13 or an 8 or a 4 part trading sequence as long as you have the magnifying glass at the end". This is the logic the category has used up to this point. SS duping follows this logic, in that there is no EFFECTIVE difference between a 100% run that does and doesn't SS dupe besides the content of the run itself. And again, the content of the run is not what detemines this category. The state of the game at the end is. No HP, SS, or trading NPC left to interact with/collect. No capacity or item upgrades left to get. Photos say 12/12, and there's none left to take. That is the logic THIS "100%" category follows. Disallowing SS duping goes directly against the precedents set by this category for the last 3+ years.

Warr90 tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Fine then, let's talk SS duping. Give me a factual argument that states why we should ban it. I've said my piece on why it should be allowed, how it follows the same logic as 20/26 seashells, and how it is different from HP duping. I've given logical stances and justifications. All I've heard in opposition is that it doesn't "show off the game" enough. What does that mean? How do you quantify it? If you want the rule set of a category to be consistent, you must apply consistent logic to it.

If we ban SS duping, we are suddenly saying that seashells are some godly forbidden content that we can't skip, while we can say "Oh, literally skip ALL of the trading sequence, and get the boomerang before D5? No problem!" There is no logical consistency if we ban SS duping, and allow trading sequence to be skipped outright. As it's been pointed out by many people, we can't invalidate old runs. So we can't retroactively make the entire trading sequence a requirement, which means our only option within the current 100% is to allow for SS duping. If the current requirement was to complete the trading sidequest in its entirety, I would not be taking this stance. But when the goal is to have this category NOT contradict itself, we must allow SS duping.

Just to clarify, I'm not trying to say that the desire to show off the game is a bad one, or that it's not legitimate (not the intention in the slightest). One of the reasons I was arguing for a separate, more inclusive 100% is that it sounds like a lot of fun to me. I'm just trying to say that in THIS 100% category as it CURRENTLY is, that argument alone simply doesn't fit.

SwordlessLink tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

I like that idea, although I would still say that an "All Upgrades" category should still exist, in that case. The initial controversy started because different people were using 2 different rule sets to define 100%. The 100% Major Glitches would break both of those rule sets (specifically with allowing WW, and allowing HP duping to replace the of gathering individual HPs).

In terms of creating new categories, the biggest pitfall would be to make the differences between them significant enough to matter. In that way, I think the proposed 100% Major Glitches would need to allow doghouse, because otherwise it would just be too similar to the proposed All Upgrades (aka literally the same, but it allows HP duping).

/End of theoretical post that assumes people are ok with adding categories, lol

Warr90 tycker om detta
United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Don't watch if you don't like F-bombs. The saltiest I think I've ever been (was during a race after spending an hour resetting the first 2 splits). Hindsight being 20/20, I should've just exited and reentered the screen.

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

For the record, if the issue is that leaving the category that allows SS duping as 100% would be frustrating, because you (ubiquitous you) don't consider it 100%, I'd be fine with renaming current 100% to "All Upgrades" or something, and having the 26 seashell, etc. route become 100%. The 101% suggestion was just a spitball idea, and I don't really care about category names, so much as having some amount of clarity/consensus for the purpose of individual categories.

This probably doesn't have much, if any impact on the conversation, but I figured I'd throw it out there as an idea. I just want to try and find a way where everybody can be happy. :P

United StatesCransoon8 years ago

Yes, and I wasn't trying to imply that you, individually, don't take it seriously (apologies if it came off that way). More saying that, when compared to the number of people in any%, there really aren't many people to split up in the first place, and from the sounds of the difference in philosophy, people are already pretty split, as it is.

To the best of my knowledge, once I go back to 100%, there will be 3 people primarily running 100% (Swordless, myself, and you). Swordless and I will likely be seashell duping, regardless of the verdict here. Imo, banning duping and moving on will be significantly more confusing than adding a category, because most of the 100% runners won't be following the rules of the category.

I guess I just don't really see the downside to it, at this point. The 100% community is too small to be "fractured" by it. Only 2 runs on the leaderboards were submitted less than 8 months ago, and the difference between 1st and 2nd place is the largest of any category outside of Legacy% at ~6 minutes. It allows us to each run the category the way we want to, while avoiding the sticky territory of retroactively adding restrictions. Win-Win, imo

Om Cransoon
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