Texas, USAChuckWagon5 years ago

Hello BGDA2 community. I am thinking about speed-running this game. I have a few questions about potential categories. I was wondering why there isn't a lvl 40 extreme mode category. I think it could potentially be a sub 1 hr run although I haven't tested it yet. I do like the rule set established in the any% extreme mode where you only do one run and then start a new file on extreme which works out to between level 21-30 depending on what character you use. I am just genuinely curious as to why there isn't a lvl 40 category that could be separate from the other categories just to see how fast this game can possibly be run. Has anybody tried this type of run and its just boring? I think it could potentially be interesting nonetheless. I would propose that you would just start an extreme file and grab your lvl 40 character and have them start the file bare without importing them. The idea of using the necro haste spell with the shadow spells such as spray, summon, and shield could make for a good beginner run as the difficulty is most likely easier. I would love to hear some feedback on what anybody thinks about that possibility? I just bought a 60 gig model ps3 with the ps2 chip in it and a copy of BGDA2 and I have a capture card on the way. Would love to start running this game as it is one of my all time favorites. I also think some various co-op categories could be cool too if there were enough players although I notice the boards for this game are pretty bare. Please let me know what you guys think I'm pretty open minded for the most part and would love to hear ideas for different types of run categories.

Om ChuckWagon
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