Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

I voted almost immediately, but anyone who hasn't should definitely go ahead and do so

Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

So basically what we're looking at is a pretty half and half opinion here in the end.

Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

I'm just gonna agree with timmi here, I like the Idea of having it still be the same category but with variation like the proud v beginner example from 1.5. Like I said from the beginning, I figured there would be people who didn't want to use the SC and those people would probably feel alienated if in the end we did keep them on the same LB. There will still be a variable but just as much of a variable as putting down proud or beginner. The variable just places the run in it's proper sub category.

I also agree with Gus that only people who've run the category before should have the final say on this, as I have not I'll just try to help a decision be made by those people as best I can.

Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

well it does mean a lower battle level right? it does make things significantly easier if I recall. Some people may not like that, so some may not wanna use it. not that it may not still be a challenge but the difference in times is very apparent and atleast this way we could still have people doing runs without using it but it wouldn't create separate categories.

Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

Instead of adding a new category why don't you just add another type of variable to submitting a run for Save Corruption/no Save Corruption. that way it's the same category but there'll still be a person clearly at the top for those who don't use save corruption since every one who doesn't use it would have no put next to their run. this would also mean though that anyone who's serious about the category but don't wanna use save corruption wouldn't get to place in the actual top spots I assume because save corruption would instantly save more time over no corruption. anyway I just thought I'd mention adding a variable as an option that way we could still mention it in the LB for it but not actually create a separate category.

Not saying this is what you should do but it's an idea

gamebrain, Saiyanz och 2 andra gillar detta
Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

Yeah Sorry, it's been a while since i played BBS didn't remember how long, I also wrote that at like maybe 2am? I dunno

Georgia, USAAlexisMousy7 years ago

I'm not a runner of BBS currently but I do plan to run it at some point so I thought I'd throw in some kind of spare change.

I'm all for the timing change, because when you're starting the time for where you would every other game you have menuing to do to select x character, not that it's particulary easy to screw up a small thing like that but It can happen. which could cause an unneccessary reset/resets. Another thing is that some people may not wanna speed through the character select menu, so it might be a lot easier to just let the timing start after that.

edit: It's only less than maybe 40 secs difference so in the grandscheme of things it won't matter too too much if timing is or isn't changed, because even with a timing change that extra 40 secs could mean nothing if things go bad I'm guessing. imo it's kind of weird that this wasn't the case to begin with but then again I can see the consistency thing with the rest of the series making sense because as an example Tales of Xillia starts their timing like the rest of the series and not after choosing Jude or Milla, So it's the same thing here because we chose to keep consistency I suppose.

I won't say I added anything to the topic at hand, nor will I believe I have anyway sway but my vote is for changing it, and I have a firm belief that in the end it should be left up to people that run the game very frequently.

Om AlexisMousy
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