Settings Question
4 years ago
South Carolina, USA

I have a settings question and comment.

There is an option for 'Announcements'. Announcements are the pop ups in the game stating information like "Headline Phase". There are 3 options for announcements: Auto, Pause, and None. Auto shows all the announcements. Pause also shows all announcements but the player has to click to continue. None doesn't show announcements.

I see that you (ai_television) have it set to None so I assume that is the correct way to set it and should probably be stated in the rules.

There also used to be a setting for animation speed. I think it was slow, medium or fast. This option must have been removed in an update in the last year. The default I believe is slow. Probably not important but they might add this feature back in which would greatly change times.

Thanks for reading!

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