Abby% Permadeath Instructions
3 years ago
Essex, England
  1. Play through an Ellie% run on Permadeath Whole Game setting (either Grounded or Very Light) until you reach the "Tracking Lesson" Chapter cutscene and Pause
  2. Save the autosave file to an external USB drive (must be formatted as FAT32)
  3. Load the autosave file to the system storage when you want to do an Abby% run only (pause as soon as the game loads)
  4. Show the Difficulty Setting screen
  5. Show the Load Game screen to note the existing IGT time (start time)
  6. END game at the start of "The Farm" chapter and show time again
  7. Show the rest of your settings either now or after the run is complete

Video links are available also: (PS4) (PS5)