Beginner's Route (100 Star/Blue Version, NES)
Beginner's Route (100 Star/Blue Version, NES)
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av JSR_

This is the guide I wrote to help myself learn the game. It is based off a walkthrough written by rcarter2 ( which is VERY thorough. My version is written to be easier to read at a glance while speedrunning. This will help you at least to get your first run done.

This version omits the entire Catch Bogie sidequest (skipping the Pygmy Cow and getting the Golden Coin later), but it DOES get the Dragon Egg from Grand Dizzy (which is optional; a skilled player could skip the egg sidequest and get the shamrock later if they felt confident enough to do so).

Time starts when you press start on the title screen.


-jump on shelves to right, get KEY -open door, use KEY, exit


-go left, get STAR (99) -go left, grab PLANK and elevator KEY -continue left, fall off the ledge -grab cooked TURKEY and STAR (98) -continue left, do Extra Life Puzzle (optional)


-go down rock hill, but stop before bottom, use TURKEY -grab STAR (97), equip PLANK and KEY -go right past PRINCE and grab STAR (96) -use PLANK to cross CHASM, grab WEED KILLER, go left -use KEY in ELEVATOR, go up, then right back to VILLAGE


-go right to Killer Weed, use WEED KILLER right next to him. -jump up and then walk left to grab STAR (95) -return down then right, jump up 2 upper bridges. -when you go up to the next screen, leap to the bridge on the right. -use KEY on the next elevator and go down. -go back down the direction you came from, grab KEY on the way down. -return to screen where Weed was, go right & grab STAR (94) nearby -walk right and fall off edge. Grab KEY near where you land -go right and up the bridges to DAISY'S HOUSE, grabbing STAR (93) OTW -use a key on DAISY'S HOUSE


-grab STAR (92) -grab KEY, but leave the EMPTY CAGE (this is not required on this route)



-walk left from house, past rope, jump up & left to return to weed screen -go back down to weed area and grab COIL OF ROPE. -return where you came from; jump up the 2 bridges, then right on the next screen -go up nearby ELEVATOR from earlier and use door KEY to unlock DENZIL'S HOUSE. -go back up and past DENZIL'S HOUSE and grab STAR (91) then walk left off ledge. -take lower path, when you get to ledge use the ROPE to grab the hook. Grab STAR (90) left of the ledge, then return -Jump on the small ledge, use the ROPE to cross, then travel back up. Jump to the left to the upper bridge and GRAB STAR (89) then go left to next screen -on the next screen, immediately jump to bridge path on the right and get STAR (88) -keep going right and you'll see white line from bridge above you to the ground, JUMP THROUGH THE DEATH ROPE! and get STAR (87) then go right then left -keep going up and reach house and ELEVATOR, use KEY to go UP, then right to STAR (86) -go right and fall off ledge, land on a bridge, grab STAR (85) then fall off to the left -grab 1-TON WEIGHT (by right edge) -go left and fall back down to Dylan's house from before, go UP ELEVATOR then right. -stand right under the hook, use 1-TON WEIGHT to pull bridge down to reachable height. -return to ELEVATOR and go DOWN, then left. Get STAR (84), then go right/up -jump up the bridge platform near #84 and stand at the edge. Use ROPE to cross gap. -beware butterflies! jump gap and grab KEY (DO NOT FORGET ROPE!) -walk right, jump off ledge (JUMP not FALL) and use key on DYLAN'S HOUSE.


-Grab STAR (83) -Dylan will give you the PYGMY COW if you give him CAGED POGIE (we do NOT do this on this route so we're done here). -leave house with only ROPE in inventory


-go left until you fall off an edge. Grab Key and go up/right to a ledge with a spider, jump up there. go right, jump through ROPE TRAP, then left up the bridge. return up to Dylan's house, and go UP ELEVATOR. -go left to Dora's House, grab STAR (82)


-enter using KEY.
-make sure you have damage so you can use cherries inside to re-activate invinsibility glitch to get STAR (81) -grab Frog which is actually DORA! Get her.


-go left, fall off ledge -go left off a 2nd ledge -go left after recovering from Dizzy, off a 3rd ledge (skip the next one by holding left) -you'll recover in the same area as DIZZY'S HOUSE, go right past it. continue right past the dead weed, and then up, right, then up/left to the next screen. -go right, go UP near DENZIL'S HOUSE. Pass the elevator, then go to edge of bridge and use ROPE to swing to an Extra Life Puzzle. -big jump off ledge to the right


-land, go right to next screen, grab STAR (80) in the tiny alcove -jump back on top of cave and grab BAG OF GOLD, then go left to next STAR (79) and continue left -jump over rope trap, pass by LITTLE STAR (leave it for now!) and grab STAR (78) -give DORA to PRINCE and take CROSSBOW


-go left and pass EMPTY BOTTLE (leave it for now!) and grab STAR (77) and keep going left (note the PICKAXE but leave it for now) -cross WATERFALL using barrel and grab STAR (76) then leave to left.


-Grab STAR (75) and grab UMBRELLA (ONLY if you are playing w/o glitch) -enter first TUNNEL and give GOBLIN the BAG OF GOLD, grab STAR (74).
-Go to Bridge St. and grab STAR to left (73), continue left past guillotine and mouse. -grab STAR (72) and grab BARREL OF RUM.
-return to Castle St. (weird door) and go left to next TUNNEL. -AVOID MICE (these ones can hit you glitch be damned) and grab STAR (71), leave the KEY for now. Exit to Dock St. -Grab STAR (70), go right. -Give PIRATE the BARREL OF RUM and enter the SHIP


-Avoid bird (can hit with glitch!) and grab STAR (69... nice) -stay on top deck and grab STAR (68), note those boxes? -jump on pile of boxes and then jump up to sail masts, jump up to next screen. -jump on small mast, turn around use ROPE to swing to right. (there is fruit to get glitch back if needed) -jump to higher masts, jump to top mast, then jump across tricky gap to mast on other side, grab STAR (67) then head to the left side of this ledge: -Stand at ledge and use ROPE to clear gap, walk left and grab STAR (66), there are 2 masts: -jump on higher mast, face left, use ROPE to jump tricky GAP. Get PORTCULLIS WHEEL and leave ship. to left


-the tunnel near door that says "Dock St" is your destination (the tunnel with rats and a key), enter, leave KEY and go through. -exit, go right to tunnel, go in and through. -return to Castle St. and go back through TUNNEL #1 to Bridge St. -go left to next TUNNEL and get STAR (65). Continue through tunnel. -Go left and grab next STAR (64), take the next TUNNEL and go through it. -Grab STAR on the way (63) and exit TUNNEL, go right to another STAR (62) -Use PORTCULLIS WHEEL in PORTCULLIS GATE to open gate.



-Shoot trolls and avoid rocks! B shoots, A ducks. Full health wins game!


-Grab STAR by start (61) and ditch CROSSBOW here. -walk left and jump up STAIRS above you.
-go to far right and jump up block to STAR (60) on the left. -Grab fruit if you need to. -return to ground floor and continue left to end. -jump up blocks to an item which you need to jump like a pro! -Grab the item (BRIDGE BUILDING KIT) and drop off platform at the bottom of the screen. -Jump across gaps to the right to reach the STAR (59).
-go left again and jump 1st gap to the small square. Then move to the right and DROP. You'll end up on an upper floor (the floor below star 59, above where you were) -Go right, jump on square, then jump up to FIREPLACE to a STAR (58). Exit CASTLE by going left, then back to the right, with the BRIDGE BUILDING KIT and ROPE on the lower floor.

TOWN -go left upon exiting and take 1st tunnel -return through TUNNEL from before and go left. (DOCK ST) -Extra Life Puzzle? -continue left, pass the next TUNNEL then go UP THE STAIRS to get STAR (57) -return to the TUNNEL and avoid DANGER MICE to get STAR (56) -exit tunnel, continue right, grab STAR (55) -continue right, and enter TUNNEL by MARKETER (ignore for now) -go through TUNNEL and get STAR (54). Go through other end of tunnel, go left, jump gap, then jump up STAIRS to STAR (53) -continue up STAIRS to GRAVEYARD


-Grab STAR (52) and go left. Pass by partially DUG HOLE. -go left to STAR (51). -Jump up cliffs to the top, use BRIDGE BUILDING KIT on BAD BRIDGE. -jump up cliff, avoid ROPE TRAP, STAY on top of cliffs and GRAB AXE -drop back down to bottom and go left. Grab 2 STARS (50, 49) and go left off ledge.


-Ignore puzzle. Go left and grab STAR (48) in small CAVERN -go back up a hill to LEPRECHAUN, but ignore for now. Ditch ROPE right by him to the right -return to Graveyard


-go right and exit


-Go right as far as you can and grab STAR (47) then turn around -go back left and enter first TUNNEL you reach. Go through and get STAR (46) -on other side, pass the guy and the 1st tunnel, and go all the way to left and go through 2nd TUNNEL to DOCK ST. (this one is by water) -Walk right and enter 2nd TUNNEL to Bridge St. -Go right and cross bridge, enter in tunnel to Castle St. -go left and enter TUNNEL -Grab DOOR KEY, turn back around towards Castle St and exit right. -Go right and go back through 1st TUNNEL. then go right and off screen to MINIGAME


-1st Short fork in path go LEFT -Go between 2 ROCKS -Go between next 2 ROCKS -2nd fork go RIGHT -go LEFT of rocks -go RIGHT at gator/fork -take left path -either path -stay close to middle of screen, but slightly left -stay left -OPEN AREA with 3 ROCKS and 2 GATORS, go left (press up to avoid gator if necc.) -avoid gator -around upstream curve, travel down avoiding trolls, go straight until more falls -take RIGHT path -stay left on path


-grab PICKAXE (do not leave anything) and leap off to the right -go right, pick up EMPTY BOTTLE (leave behind DOOR KEY here) should have AXE/BOTTLE/PICKAXE -walk right past Prince, bridge, rope trap, until you reach cave where BAG OF GOLD was earlier. Place the PICKAXE on top of the CAVE and the AXE inside. Go into CAVE and grab DRY MATCH -go right in cave and grab ELEVATOR KEY and STAR (45) -exit cave and return to forest, and go left past ROPE TRAP and BRIDGE to ELEVATOR that takes you to


-go right from elevator, then up-right and up-left as earlier. -go up-right to elevator, then left to DENZIL'S HOUSE and enter


-leave match here, exit


-go right to elevator, then left. -go left past hole to unlocked house. Enter, grab STAR (44) and DOOR KEY -go back up to DENZIL'S HOUSE, pass by, and keep going left to the hole, but jump up to next floor and keep going left. -take upper path to the right -Right away, you will see an upper path that takes you left that you can go. Take it. You will reach another ELEVATOR. Use the ELEVATOR KEY. Use the door key to unlock Grand-Dizzy's House.


-leave EMPTY BOTTLE HERE and get STAR (43) -jump up to PILE OF HAY and exit


-go right and grab STAR (42). Keep going right and fall down ledge. Go right and jump over ROPE TRAP -Fall off ledge, go left and take ELEVATOR back to DENZIL'S HOUSE


-go to right side of DENZIL and drop PILE OF HAY, then grab MATCH and use it on the HAY to melt DENZIL. Go right and grab STAR (41) -leave FLIPPERS and exit house


-go right past elevator, off ledge, then right and stand at ledge where you ROPE'd to puzzle earlier. JUMP off ledge


-land, go right, pass CAVE. Walk past VOLCANO and avoid rocks. Grab MUSHROOM and head back. -when you pass ROPE TRAP, grab the STAR PLANT, and head left -pass bridge, take elevator, go right, then up right, up left, up right, elevator, past Denzil's house, jump up left, then jump up right, up left, elevator, and return to GD's House


-Grab EMPTY BOTTLE, go right side of house. -in front of cauldron, put in bottle, star plant, and mushroom, and get MEDICINE -give MEDICINE to Grand-Dizzy and get GOLDEN DRAGON EGG, then exit


-exit, right, walk off ledge, pass rope trap, walk off right, then elevator up -go Back to DENZIL'S HOUSE, get FLIPPERS, and leap off edge to the right leading to the CAVE


-Grab the PICKAXE and AXE and leave GOLDEN DRAGON EGG above cave. -go right, avoid volcano rocks, pass bridge, and leave HATCHET (AXE) on the SOLID GROUND after you cross the bridge. GRAB STAR (40). -go right and grab STAR (39), keep going to beach


-use FLIPPERS to swim. Grab SCUBA Tank -Sink into ocean and grab STAR (38) -go right and grab next STAR (37) -don't fall to bottom yet, keep going right until you reach end. THEN fall to bottom. -Grab STAR on screen below you (36) -on ground you'll see bubble under ROCK. Stand over it and use pickaxe to break the floor releasing the BUBBLE -don't go down yet! go right and get STAR (35) -to your left is a sunken ship. Swim to it and grab STAR (34) and EMPTY TREASURE CHEST -go to right while swimming to the top and get STAR (33) -surface on other side of beach, head to far right wall and DROP EMPTY TREASURE CHEST and get STAR (32) -You passed by a rock earlier. There are 3 of these rocks around the beach. Grab the ROCK and head back to where you placed the treasure chest. Jump up the platform to the next area.


-Do Extra Life Puzzle! -head right and land ON TOP of rock, then clear ROPE TRAP and get STAR (31) and 2nd ROCK -keep going right and you'll be at a broken bridge with log in the middle. -Stand at edge and toss salty rocks into water to raise the water level -head back to beack with Tank and flippers


-go left, DO NOT SINK into water, swim on surface grabbing STAR (30) -on small island, grab CROWBAR and STAR (29) -sink to bottom of sea and go left to grab another STAR (28) and 3rd rock, leave CROWBAR where rock was -go right and stay on bottom of sea. You'll see a STAR, swim to it (27) -head back to BROKEN BRIDGE and toss ROCK into water, then return to BEACH. Return to the hole from earlier we hit with axe -Grab STAR at bottom (26) and GOLDEN COIN. -Grab the CROWBAR where we left it and return to surface. leave CROWBAR on the LEFT beach and head back to GOLDEN COIN -Return to surface, leave flippers and scuba tank and take CROWBAR and COIN -return to town by returning to the cave where we left the EGG, but enter CAVE


-Go right and make sure that the 1st elevator is flashing. Then return. -Go to the far left and head down the elevator. Save the diamonds for now if you can (they'll come in handy later). Go down the elevator, go right and down the pit. From that fall, go left. Grab a STAR (25). -Enter the mine cart minigame.


-1st RIGHT -next right -take path to right -1st left -immediately take next right -take right -hold right to take next right -press up to go higher on screen to avoid BOOM -immedately take RIGHT -2nd left -stay above halfway line of screen to avoid BOOM -2nd right -next right -2nd left -immediately take next right -move past BOOM and take next right -next left -next right -next left -take right at fork -next 3 lefts -next 2 right -speed up to avoid BOOM -DO NOT TAKE NEXT TURN after BOOM, stay to the left -take next right, next left -done!


-Grab SKELETON KEY and head right -do not go to graveyard yet; go right and go through 1st TUNNEL to CASTLE ST -give MARKETER the GOLD COIN and take MAGIC BEAN, then return through tunnel -go left upon exiting tunnel, up stairs, to graveyard


-pass through, all the way left


-leave MAGIC BEAN and SKELETON KEY here near door, cross back through graveyard and down steps in town. -take 1st tunnel to CASTLE ST, then left -take tunnel by water to DOCK ST -right past the 1st tunnel, then take 2nd tunnel to BRIDGE ST -right past guillotine, to tunnel, CASTLE ST -CASTLE ST left to next tunnel TO DOCK ST return to Pirate Ship


-go right and drop to lower deck. You'll see a TRAPDOOR with a CYLINDER underneath -use CROWBAR on door and grab the THICK PERSIAN RUG -Hop out and head right, past cannonballs. -go all the way right and drop down the ledge to STAR (24) -Drop down to bottom deck of ship and grab STICK OF DYNAMITE -hop out of here and go left, jump gap and grab STAR (23) near cannons -go back and drop down to bottom deck and go left to STAR (22) -keep going left and hop out of bottom deck at end, jump to platform and the ledge to another STAR (21) -make your way up to VERY top deck and head right. head to far right of top deck to THE PLANK


-This section can be a troll. I like to start on the left side. Get on a big bubble if you can. You want to get up in the air a good bit before you start jumping bubble to bubble. This is a section you'll need to practice.


-exit the ship and go left past flippers and tank -Leave the RUG near the transition to the next screen and go left -pass the volcano and grab the DRAGON EGG, then enter the cave.


-Immediately go to the right side of the cave, and activate all 4 elevators. Remember that if the diamond is flashing, it is active. To activate it, press B in front of it. If you flip the switch of one, you flip the switch of the 2 next to it. When you have all 4 active, head to the left and go down the first elevator. Head to the right and drop down the hole. -Avoid bats & keep going to the right. Head down the second elevator and go left. Grab the STAR (20). -Continue to the left and fall down to the bottom of the cave. Cross lava bridges. When you reach the end, go down the 3rd elevator. Grab the next STAR (19). -Go up the 4th elevator. You will see a sign that says "DANGER! BLASTING AREA..." Go to the end of the wires, and place the dynamite there. Go to the handles and blast that rock away. J -Now, leave the other EGG that you have there too. At the end of this tunnel is a SHAMROCK. Grab it and leave the cave by backtracking all the way back.


-upon exiting the cave go right, past the volcano, right over to beach


-Grab FLIPPERS and OXYGEN TANK, leave SHAMROCK. Go back to bridge.


-grab HATCHET and go to middle of bridge. Use hatchet on bridge and fall through. Swim to the STAR on water's surface (18) -head down in water. then go right and get STAR (17). Keep going right and pick up PAIR OF CYMBOLS. -Grab STAR (16) above them. -go to far left and exit water, grab STAR (15), then go left to re-enter the cave with the elevators; exit the cave. -leave flippers and scuba tank, then go above cave and go left until you reach DOOR KEY you left near water fall. (past rope trap, bridge, elevator, PRINCE, go left, all the way then GRAB KEY and return to village elevator


-go up elevator, then right. go up right and up left, then up right. go up elevator past Denzel's house and jump up left (above hole). go left, then up right. continue right past rope trap, then up left -head up to Dylan's House and go up elevator, then go right -jump up platform you used 1 ton weight on earlier. Head up -go left and jump up platform to STAR (14) -go to Dozy's house and unlock it with KEY


-Use cymbals to wake up Dozy and get WINCH HANDLE -jump up to STAR (13)


-move to the right and get star (12). -fall off ledges going right all the way to Forest Floor


-go right and get FLIPPERS and tank, then head to beach -grab RUG (leave tank) and SHAMROCK and HANDLE (2 trips across) leaving them next to EMPTY TREASURE CHEST -leave FLIPPERS and tank, take SHAMROCK RUG AND HANDLE and go right


-go right all the way -jump over rope trap and ON TOP of rock -jump gap of broken bridge by jumping on log, then other side, to STAR (11) -give Leprechaun SHAMROCK and grab MAGIC BEAN -place Magic bean left of the sign where Leprechaun was standing and it will sprout to a beanstalk -grab RUG, HANDLE, and SKELETON KEY and go up


-go left, cloud to cloud TRICKY JUMP toes in first cloud bump of small cloud -get STAR (10) -head right to upper cloud with cherry, then jump up and left through the transition. IGNORE STAR BELOW YOU -jump straight up and grab STAR (9) above you -hop from cloud to cloud going left to a large cloud near Zaak's Castle. Go to left side and grab STAR (8). Go the gate and use WINCH HANDLE to enter castle.


-go to elevator, use SKELETON KEY and hop on top of chair closest to you to reach next floor -use RUG on bed of nails and leave the castle


-head right and drop down to large cloud above the star we skipped earlier. let Dizzy fall through to STAR (7). Grab the ROPE at the base of the beanstalk (back by the leprechaun) and head back to the castle


-go up elevator, across bed of nails, and hop rope traps -jump on square platform and use ROPE to swing to area below you -upon landing (next to a large fireplace) go left to STAR (6) on next screen, then walk back right. -DO NOT FALL OFF LEDGE, go right and JUMP from ledge -on far right jump UP to the next screen up. Grab RUSTY SPADE -jump to top platform and jump to grab STAR (5) -head left and drop down, exit castle, return to graveyard


-exit castle and fall off clouds to the right. -jump over leprechaun's lair and head right


-use SPADE to dig HALF DUG HOLE and fall through hole -go left and grab STAR (4) -jump up rock ledges and grab TRAMPOLINE -go to right and grab STAR (3) -place trampoline just right where the water starts. Go up rock hill to left a bit. Jump to right and land on trampoline to reach rock ledge. From that ledge, jump off and land on trampoline. when you land, HOLD RIGHT to make it through hole. return to castle


-go up elevator and travel up square ledges to top and get STAR (2) -jump to left on a long rectangular ledge, and roll off to the right.
-go all the way to the right and grab STAR (1) -drop down and cross bed of nails and avoid traps, head right and make your way to bottom right corner of the castle for the final STAR (0!) -go up the stairs on the screen and jump up platforms and then travel left -make your way up the elevator and past nail bed -use the ROPE on square platform and land on a platform in the air -Make your way up those square platforms to the next screen up. You will see that last extra life puzzle (OPTIONAL but hard to reach). You need to jump on that square platform right under that spider. Use your rope on that hook to clear the gap.


-Make your way up the tower, avoiding the bouncy smiley face orbs. My best strat for this is to stay on the same horizontal plane as the orb, and try to jump over it OR coax it into falling through a gap in the blocks. -For the single-block jumps, tap the D-Pad to move Dizzy to the edge before you jump. If you aren't on the far edge, furthest away from the block you wish to jump to, you might roll off, or miss the jump entirely. -When you reach Zak, you have two options: stand on the right side, jump left over the magic, then right over it again, OR just move to the far right and jump once as the magic hits the mirror. Time stops when Zak falls, you reach Daisy, and you touch her, losing player control.
