Ace's Boxer Notes
Ace's Boxer Notes
Uppdaterad 7 years ago av AceOfArrows

These are the best and fastest strats I've found for each boxer so far.

The game allows you to buffer your first action in each round, and that's useful for triggering desirable behavior from boxers. You can also bait desirable behavior by doing absolutely nothing until their AI makes up its mind what to do (as opposed to responding to your inputs, dodges, blocks, or punches). I've made all necessary notes regarding when to wait or not.


Buffer a right uppercut, then do left uppercut, right hook; he'll be stunned. MG Hooks, MG Uppercuts, MG Hooks. If done swiftly enough, he will never be able to hit you. This fight can be over in 11-12 seconds EASILY.



Hit him in the gut. This doesn't cause damage, but does cause him to laugh at you; use uppercuts (you should be able to connect with 2 before he starts moving again). You have enough time to tack on a jab at the end of each set of uppercuts. Whenever you stun him, use MG Hooks.


Block any body blows he decides on; this makes him vulnerable to a body blow that will send his head back up where it belongs, and you can continue uppercutting him until he's stunned. If he does a hook, don't block it, just answer with a body blow, and immediately follow it up with uppercuts (and of course MG Hooks when he's stunned).



Start the fight by buffering a left hook; this will miss, but it will bait him to do his own right hook. Hold Down on both pads and charge MG Uppercuts.

Don't wait for his AI to make a decision; immediately follow up with a right uppercut. Wait this time. He'll try a jab, or might just stand still. Wait for him to decide, then uppercut him. Again, wait. He should try a left uppercut (in other words, you'll see it on your right). Use a late left hook to nail him. Wait briefly. He should go for a left uppercut again. Apply another left hook. Stunned; MG Hooks.


If everything is to plan so far, he should almost immediately decide on his drill special. Duck down and charge MG Uppercuts. He should again try the drill; do the same with MG Uppercuts. The fight should now be over.


Bomkun is a pain to fight normally. The bomb explodes after 50 seconds, so you must defeat him in that time. The problem is, he loves to dodge everything grandly, so you constantly have to wait for him to do something so you can counter it without a huge chance of him dodging it. So instead of wasting time waiting on a punch-by-punch play-by-play, I developed and adopted "let him beat the crap out of you" strats. All of these strats assume waiting for his AI to make decisions.


(This can be called the 3-3-4-3 pattern.)

Let the first 3 blows hit you. The moment he starts to laugh, apply MG Uppercuts. Let the next 3 blows hit you also. Again, wait just long enough for him to decide to laugh, and use MG Uppercuts. Let 4 more blows hit you. Once again, wait enough for him to decide to laugh, and do more MG Uppercuts. Let yet another 3 blows hit you. He laughs, you MG Uppercuts.


(This can be called Hooks-Bodies-Uppers-Bodies.)

If everything's to plan so far, he should go for a left uppercut. Charge and use MG Hooks. He should go for a body blow. Charge and use MG Body Blows. He should go for a hook. Charge and use MG Uppercuts. He should go for something you can counter with MG Body Blows; do that. He should be done at this point, but if he's got a sliver of life left, toss him a quick uppercut or something.


I have found the way to Quick-Prin. Outside the first buffered action, we assume waiting on her AI to decide on an action so we can get desirable actions to counter.

You can instantly nail her with a buffered right uppercut, so do that. She should go for a left jab; use a left hook. She should try the same again, so reply the same way (left hook). She should be flashing now. She should try a right slap; this is a big mistake. Hold down on both, charge and use MG Uppercuts. You just stunned her, so apply MG Hooks now. (Yes, you just MG'ed her twice in a row.)

She should try a left uppercut. Reply with a left hook. She should try a left jab. Use a left hook. Stunned; MG Hooks.

She should try a right slap. Give her a right uppercut, and the fight will be finished.


Nothing that you can immediately buffer will cause any damage; Ikanger blocks all round-start buffers. So we don't have much choice but to wait for him to do something. All of these instructions assume waiting for his AI to make decisions.

(This pattern can be called right-left-right-left, as your responses are all hooks.)

He tries a right jab; do a right hook. He should left jab; use a left hook. He should attempt another right jab; go for another right hook. He should go for another left jab; apply another left hook. Stunned; MG Hooks.

He should go for a right hook; answer with a right uppercut. At this point, Joey should try to body blow you. You have a pair of options at this point, depending how you want to handle this.

---"Hit Joey" Strats--- (Slower of the two.)

When Joey attempts to body blow you, respond by issuing your own body blow before he can connect. Ikanger should go for a right jab; apply a right hook. He should then try a right hook of his own; give him a right uppercut. Stunned; MG Hooks.

After that, he goes for a left jab; use a left hook. He's finished.

---"Don't Hit the Kid" Strats--- (Faster of the two.)

When Joey attempts to body blow you, let him do it. Ikanger will laugh at you. This will afford you enough time to charge and use MG Hooks.

He should go for a right jab; respond with a right hook. Stunned; MG Hooks. This ends the fight.


In my own notes, I have some very elaborate strats for assuring he never starts using his ninja feinting, which wastes a huge amount of time, but in exchange, I cannot ever connect with MG moves other than jabs, and the strats make for a very slow fight, so since they're awful, I'm not including them here. Instead, what I can say is that when he does use his feinting move, he feints between 1 and 3 times. He decides how many times he's going back and forth when he first starts; it's basically a very lengthily-telegraphed hook. So what you can do is try an uppercut on fade 1, and hope he decided on a 1-feint. He almost never decides on a 2-feint (at least, in my experience), so throwing a punch at that point is unwise - it'd be better to block so you can intercept in the event that he does decide 2 is the magic number. If he makes it to 3, you're guaranteed to receive a hook at that point, so you can uppercut with confidence.

I unfortunately don't have particular strats developed for Tukikage at this time, as mentioned, so I do this fight "normally," that is, just watching and seeing what he does, with some guesswork. Perhaps at some point I'll manage to get some real, solid strats people can use, or someone else can develop something, but at this time, I've got nothing that's consistently usable.


The champion does hit hard, but we're going to make him do exactly what we want, and actually, his Angry phase has an AI exploit that we are going to take advantage of. Aside from the first buffer, and the AI exploit, these instructions assume waiting for him to decide on a move.


Buffer a right uppercut; since he will always go for an immediate right body blow, this will always connect. (This upcoming pattern is easy to remember with good timing; all hooks, right-left-right-left.) He should right jab; give him a right hook. He'll try a left jab; do a left hook. He'll go for a right jab again; do another right hook. He'll go back to a left jab; do another left hook. Stunned; MG Hooks.

He should attempt a left body blow; do a left hook. He'll go for a left jab; apply a left hook. He should try another left jab; do another left hook. Stunned; MG Hooks.

-Angry- Once he's angry, there is an exploit you can perform to bait the exact thing you want him to do. Going too early or too late will result in undesirable behavior, and you'll have to re-set him up into a state where you're waiting on him to decide what to do again. What you want to do is, within a few frames of seeing him twitch (indicating he's about to make up his mind what to do), throw a right hook. You only have a few frames to do this, but if you succeed, he will ALWAYS pounce with his right claw, meaning you will ALWAYS nail him. With accurate timing, this is 100% consistent; just practice the timing. Keep doing this, and you can easily stun him, following up with MG Hooks whenever he's stunned, until the fight is over and you become the Champion.

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