Fewest moons, no pause, short day, no cleared save
2 years ago

No pause short days seems good, but I think fewest days makes both the timing of the run more difficult (percentage of current moon is harder to gage) and the run less enjoyable. No one would ever hit tab to speed up in game time, and this makes everything in the game slower (pack opening, resource gathering, etc). Additionally, no cleared save could end up becoming a problem. Getting a record = storing enough money to get a couple sets of the last two packs. Then you just get lucky (goblet, bricks, planks, and iron ore deposit). Having cleared save still relies on some of this luck, but the skill involved in unlocking packs quickly helps lessen rng dependence. Also, as stackman has been proving lately, cleared save means iron from an early mine may be better than explorer pack unlock.

These are my reservations, but I am open to seeing non-cleared save if you are. Not too interested in moon-based timer currently, but I'd love to hear counter arguments

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
United States

My problem with no clear save is that, if you just did another category, you're "forced" to do a dummy run where you unlock all packs and clear the idea cards.

Additionally, in normal play, unlocking packs is part of overall game progression, even if they're across multiple runs. It just feels awkward to have a category where technically you start in the middle of game progression instead of at the beginning.

I've done a 16 day run of this category. I really really don't like any run using speed up going for real time or cleared saves. Pushing for minimum days feels most real, actually managing food income of short time runs is nice.

Alright then, I'll add the category.

For now it will be titled "Short Days Alt" and be a subcategory within Beat The Demon. If you would prefer a different name I am open to suggestions :)