Planning + Routing
8 years ago
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

It may look ugly but it's actually helping you time your segments. Since the load is finished at that exact point when you can click the screen away. It's pretty much the same in TDD only that the text on the load starts to scroll up to indicate it being finished loading.

Also the main post has been updated with some new videos.

United States

Tutorial for a "99% Consistent™" fire extinguisher clip in the Upsilon Shuttle Station (with inputs)

I said S instead of R at one point ',:^)

Hope this helps!

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Updated the first post with all current finds.


Not sure if this is helpful for your speedruns but thought I'd share anyways.

Went to this corner, tried facing the corner, didn't work. Turned my back to it, went through the wall, this is the second time, so it was repeatable and very simple. Hopefully it helps!

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