No Upgrades Speedrunning Guide
No Upgrades Speedrunning Guide
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av SageGrimm

TERMS "smash n slice" or "SnS" - Collide with an enemy, pause, and then kill them in a single motion. This is used for setups or gaining action points quickly. "hover slice" - Attacking an enemy with a normal attack while in the air nearby. This has the fastest animation for a minor time save.
"zipline SnS" - Like a normal smash n slice but using the zipline retract for the smash part. This will send their dead body flying to collide with other enemies. "walljump" - The act of jumping a little away from a wall and ziplining higher. Fastest method of gaining vertical height. "zipline" - Clicking on a solid structure to attach a line to it then immediately retract so you are pulled to that spot. Basic movement. "triangle zipline" - Using the zipline to alternate jumps from the ground and the ceiling. Fastest way of moving through a normal room. "bunny hop" - When there's no ceiling within easy zipline reach, the next fastest form of movement horizontally is a series of quick jumps in succession. “window clip” - Jumping at a narrow wall’s corner so that you end up clinging to the other side. Breaks windows and ensures faster movement. Can also be done with a zipline at longer range. “corner clip” - Jumping towards a corner made up of a floor and wall in such a way that ends with you clinging to the wall below. “scan” - When an enemy gets suspicious they will turn to face the disturbance and shoot out a red laser trace from their eyes, shifting the angle upwards for several seconds. If you’re close enough in the darkness they will be able to detect you. “pause-buffer” - Holding pause but clicking anywhere on the screen will increment time moving forward by a tiny amount. Repeatedly doing so will give you more time to be precise in tricky situations. “Limit Break” - When you gain 5 or more action points during turn-based combat and are on the ground, the screen will flash and give you an extra turn. In exchange, you lose all action points in the process.

"door" - Red or green doors that block entry between rooms. Red is locked and can be unlocked if there's a small keypad on that side or through use of a security console. Green will open when it senses a body on the ground in front of it and stays open for a couple seconds. An alerted level will lock all doors when the countdown reaches 0. "sliding door" - background doors that open due to a trigger and release an enemy a couple seconds afterward. "stairs" - background door frames that allow you to move up or down between floors of buildings. "elevator" - larger background doors that can be entered and then be moved up or down between floors, slower than taking stairs. They can also be called to a floor the unit is not on if you're overlapping one of its doors. Makes a sound when it reaches a new floor.

I’m going to try something a little different here. A path walkthrough is rigid in its description but the game allows for some flexibility of approach. Where I may have a particular rhythm to my movement, someone else may find something more appropriate that works just as well for them; that will come out of practice and familiarity with the game. Also, telling you how to exactly move is better seen through a video. What I'll do here instead is to focus on the enemy encounters that are more static. I'll sketch the path to take to those encounters and note if there's something special to be aware of, but I won't go into as heavy a detail as I did with the NG+ guide.

1-1 (0:51) Get your sword. There is a way to jump to the corner of the building afterward such that you can immediately push up to stand on the top but there's no visual cue and it's difficult to pull off. Continue until you're in the “I” building. It is slightly faster to clip the left corner with a jump instead of going across to the right but it requires wider mouse movement. Hitting the enemy here is a minor slowdown but it will not affect the rest of the level. Get to the lighted room for your first encounter.

With two jumps forward, you will have knocked down the pistol enemy for the kill. A smaller jump forward will put you in range of the door lock icon to appear. In the next building, triangle zipline just above the light and then zipline to the right wall to avoid being seen. Getting caught is slower by a couple seconds but does not require a reset.

Once outside, small jump so you can zipline to the left wall in range for a window clip; you cannot do this on the ground. Drop down quickly to the computer, use and jump out the window before the scan catches you. Again, getting caught is not a reset since you can immediately break line of sight and continue with a second of time loss.

Now for the building with the large ceiling window. Jump far to the right and on the smash, zipline window clip just above the enemy on the platform. Drop down to knock them down, pausing as soon as you do. Zipline clip so you're clinging on the window frame which lets you a better jump for the next step. Jump left far enough so the left enemy's scan will not see you. Either have your jump collide with them directly (slightly faster but riskier without practice) or go wide on their left so you can zipline smash them right. Either case, get to the computer and use, knock the last enemy down and triangle zipline out the room through the door before the enemy on the platform is fully back up. Get to your bike to finish the level in under a minute.

1-2 (1:03) The first building can be done in two jumps once you open the door. I walk forward so my cursor is better placed for that later part but it may be faster to start with a small jump instead. The space above the locked door is tricky to get through without clinging to the left side; my visual cue for the zipline is roughly after the background horizontal pipe at the end of the background window.

You want to dispatch these next few enemies because their countdown timing is random and may force you to wait around later on in the level. The first is a simple zipline smash out the window. The two in the room below are ignored until after you get to the computer behind them, using ceiling ziplines to avoid being seen. Once you're back in the space above the locked door, drop down or cling to the wall. Then set up another zipline smash so that the first enemy knocks the second off their feet. Both should fall out of the building in the end while you follow them with a triangle zipline and away.

Your next stop is the second building's top level. Again, avoid the enemy until you have used the computer, then turn around and zipline smash them out the window. This will have their corpse drop in front of the door of the third building, keeping it open. This sets you up nicely to follow them and use that room (perfect distance for a triangle zipline) to get to the other side and above the enemy near your bike.

Zipline down to collide with and kill that enemy. Jump left high enough to still be in the air near the next enemy. Pause before contact and zipline SnS them to collide with the last enemy before they see you. Use the console to unlock the other computer doors, kill the enemy while you return to the second building on the ground floor.

When the door opens, set up a zipline smash on the nearest enemy to knock the other two down. Zipline to the ceiling while that happens but avoid the light. Do not go too soon either as the last enemy will not have been knocked over yet. Drop down to the computer, use, and jump back right. The geometry and distance are just right to slip through undetected even though it looks like you should be caught.

Get to the next computer in the top of the third building. Then use the second floor again to get to your bike since it has a convenient outside lip to land on.

Kill the Old Man (1:08) Window clip, quickly zipline to the ceiling and then down in front of the sliding door. Holding pause, zipline smash the enemy in front of you and then zipline towards the ceiling without moving your mouse too much. For the enemy on the platform, knock them down without having them fly out the window. Drop down to the floor and hover slice the enemy next to the stairs. Doing this does three things for you: first, you can now take the stairs without anyone spotting you; second, the knockdown on the right platform keeps an enemy in place for a later setup; and third, the kill avoids having to dodge around them in that later setup.

Take the stairs all the way to the top floor. Start the fight by jumping to hover above the closest pistol enemy. Kill on the second turn, then jump high near the pistol enemy on the next level. You should be able to attach a zipline slightly to the left, then retract to knock them into the air just in front of you. Kill them then take note of what the samurai is doing. If they're aiming at you right now, attach a zipline slightly to the right so you swing safely away; they will end up in attack range. Follow up by dropping down next to where they landed stunned and kill them to finish the fight. If they are not, swing left until they are aiming at you then retract to be safe while in attack range. Then continue as normal. There is some randomness to this and will play out slightly differently each time so losing some time here is acceptable.

Kill the Old Man with a hover slice and take the stairs down to the ground floor where more enemies have entered. Jump high and to the right so you hover in the air underneath the samurai on the platform. Attach a zipline above the samurai and swing further right underneath the pistol enemy who you left earlier. At this point there's a high degree of randomness and you may have to improvise to stay alive. Your next step is to get on the platform; killing the pistol enemy on your third turn is the easiest method but jumps or ziplines work too. Then you want to jump out the window, breaking line of sight with all enemies except for one or both of the samurai. Finally, jump safely to your bike avoiding their sword dashes. Being alive but slow is better than resetting this early into the run.

2-1 (1:23) Get to the A computer by walljumping the outside wall and through the first ceiling window. This is faster than taking the elevator indoors. After you use it, get into the room below before the enemies appear. Once they do, immediately smash the first one so that they miss the center platform. Quickly follow up by colliding with the enemy on the center platform, aiming between their legs so they'll hit the wall without falling into a room without dying. Jump towards the enemy below and kill them when you're in range. Since no one alive can see you, use the B computer.

With the next set of enemies, smash the closest one out into the lit room. Get back to ground quickly, window clip to the lit room and enter turn-based combat. Jump below the enemy on the center platform, then kill them. Jump below the room of the last enemy that can see you to break line of sight, then pause-buffer a walljump up to where you can kill them. Use the C computer. NOTE: During all this the lockdown counter will go off but since this does not affect anywhere we need to go, it's ignored.

Repeat the same steps that you did with the set of enemies that were triggered by the A computer, though you will be able to immediately kill the lowest enemy after your jump because they'll be closer to the window frame. Get up to the D computer on the right side top level and use it.

Knock the first enemy down and quickly return to the ground. Walk out the window to cling to the wall, then drop down on top of the enemy on the center platform. For a slight timesave, try to land on their left side before killing them, which puts you at a good distance for your jump to the lower enemy to end hovering on their left side too. When you kill them, you will end up clinging to the wall below the room. Jump past the E computer but low enough that the last enemy who sees you loses sight of you in one turn instead of two. You might be able to avoid killing them for a couple seconds timesave but for now, walljump the left side and kill them before using the E computer.

Moving fast, zipline to the right wall and quickly walljump to the ceiling. If done properly enemies will have spawned by the time you're hovering around the top floor which avoids being seen by everyone who spawned. The enemy that has survived since the first wave is too far back left to see you during this time as well. Shatter the window and get to your bike.

2-2 (3:17) Hover slice the first enemy, then jump to collide with the next enemy. Killing them gets you a Limit Break and free space to jump on the machine gunner. Kill them and triangle zipline back to the elevator, taking it up. Wait ~28 seconds for the ride to finish.

Leave the elevator and kill the enemy nearby. Jump to land on top of the left enemy and kill them for a Limit Break. Jump to collide and hover next to the machine gunner above you. Kill them, then jump into the middle of the room. Zipline swing to collide with the red visor enemy and kill. You may have to jump below the platform to break line of sight of the other room's enemies.

For the right room, shatter the window and zipline to the wall above the door. Zipline SnS the enemy so the other enemies are knocked down. On your way to kill them, use the computer. During this another enemy will have appeared on the platform but will be busy calling in an alert. Zipline smash them from below and head down the left set of stairs. NOTE: Theoretically you could leave the knocked down enemies alone, use the computer and get out for a small time savings here. In exchange, you will have a much more random encounter in the last computer room, to the point where I do not think you end up saving time overall.

Swing from the left side into the room, pause-buffering from when the window shatters to when you're seen. Kill the machine gunner then jump forward to collide with the second enemy near the computer. Kill them for a Limit Break. Jump left to hover on the left side of the remaining enemy near the computer, which is when the samurai should appear and prepare their sword dash leading out the window. Kill the nearby enemy and hopefully the samurai dashes outside to die on their own. Kill the remaining enemy on the platform and drop down to the computer to break line of sight with the enemies on the right side of the building. Use the computer. NOTE: The samurai has some degree of randomness to the distance of their dash so you may need to improvise if they do not fall out of the room on their own. This will end up costing a few seconds if it does happen.

Get back on top of the right platform and make a long jump to the right side of the building. While in midair attach a zipline to the approaching wall in such a way to swing into the next room just above the pistol enemy. By the time you're spotted the samurai will be aiming out the window and you're in range of an attack on an enemy. Kill them. Jump up to collide with the machine gunner and kill for a Limit Break. Jump to hover above the remaining pistol enemy and kill to clear the room. Take the elevator up.

Jump up to shatter the window and zipline to the ceiling near the left corner. You will be spotted during this. Drop down in front of the door to open it. Jump clip the doorway, then a high jump to bring you out of sight of the enemies inside. Make your way to the left corner of the roof of this building.

Swing into the room and kill the machine gunner to be spotted by everyone inside. Drop down on the nearest enemy while the samurai dashes out of the building. Kill them for a Limit Break. Jump to land slightly to the right of the sliding doors, in case an enemy appears on the next turn. For the last three enemies, jump to hover and kill in order: right, left, platform. Drop down to the computer and use, then get back to the main elevator. After another ~28 second wait, get to your bike. Do not forget to triangle zipline immediately after leaving the elevator.

Kill the Wisegal (2:02) Abandon all discretion and hop on over to the front door that has three guns already pointing at it. Once it opens and you're spotted, immediately jump to cling to the wall above and outside the door, waiting out the machine gun fire and for the closest enemy to call in the alert. You don't want to move too early or you will be spotted by the machine gunner in the next step, which makes movement much more difficult through the room.

Slide down the wall, flip into the door frame and then again to cling to the wall on the right side. If the red vision line is high, you will be noticed now. This is Path A. If it is low, you can jump to collide with the first enemy before being spotted. This is Path B. There is some randomness due to where the furthest machine gunners aim so you may need to improvise but each path should play out like this:

On Path A, jump to collide with the first enemy, then jump forward again to knock over the other two enemies nearby. The other machine gunners 90% of the time will be aiming in directions not along your path. Kill the closest enemy, then the next for a Limit Break. This is another point where their aim might force you to improvise. Your next goal is to kill the left pistol enemy with the fastest method being a hover slice. The machine gunners will now have to reload, giving you enough time to jump over to the lower one and kill them out of sight of the other. Then walljump pause-buffer to kill the last one.

On Path B, kill the enemy you collided with. Then jump forward to the other two enemies putting you safely underneath the other machine gunners fire. Kill the nearest enemy for a Limit Break. In most cases you will be safe to slide over for the second kill and then pause while the machine gunners finish firing. Then you kill the lower machine gunner and walljump pause-buffer for the last one. Take the elevator up.

On leaving the elevator, jump to land on the left foot of the enemy to your right. This has the machine gunner aim low enough that you can jump in front of the right door safely. Jump clip the doorway, then another jump above the machine gun fire and out of sight of everyone in the other room. Zipline to the ceiling to avoid getting shot, then take the elevator up.

While on the roof of the right side of the building, swing into the top room. Hover slice the nearest enemy, then jump down to the next platform to land on its left side. Once the enemy appears from the sliding door, knock them off and immediately zipline to the bottom of the DJ booth. Wait on the left side of Wisegal while the pistol enemy on her left side ambles over and then drop down on them before their feet touch the light that the Wisegal is in. While holding pause, make a small jump right so that you can hover slice Wisegal, then another small jump left to kill the pistol enemy. Zipline to the ceiling above and slightly to your right to avoid being seen, then make your way right around the enemy on the top platform. Drop down on top of the enemy near the stairs and take them. This is the most consistently safe method of handling this room, other strategies I've tried have either relied on RNG or required heavy precision to match the same pace.

For the lower floor, walk back a bit then jump high enough to get a zipline smash on the enemy aiming your zipline just before the window. This should send them flying to collide with the rest of the enemies on this floor, leaving you free to triangle zipline to the elevator. If they don't move, you can set back up for your next attempt. Or you can kill them, break the window and quickly get out of turn-based combat by jumping back across the frame and above in the corner away from every one's line of sight. Then quickly set up a zipline smash on the machine gunner instead before their scan gets too high.

When you leave the elevator to get to your bike, don't forget to zipline to the right corner of the room. From that point there is space for a triangle zipline before exiting the building.

3-1 (1:17) Get into the building and move through it. A triangle zipline through the main room with the civilians is fastest. Being seen in front of the right window is fine, but it will shift the camera left towards the civilian that saw you so adjust your mouse for the next part. Swing down into the next room and zipline back up to the ceiling on the left side of the light. The click for the zipline retraction tends to be the moment where the camera returns to follow you, so again be aware of adjusting your aim afterward.

Drop down to hover slice the enemy below on their left side. You will be seen but will be near enough to the top left corner of the room to jump to, break line of sight, and return to real-time. Smash the glass, triggering the sliding doors for two reinforcements on that level, and triangle zipline to the far left of the room. Drop down just to the right of the last enemy on that floor. You will want to knock them hard enough to smash the left window and fall to their death. The window breaking also triggers the sliding door of the room below for a setup later.

Start a zipline SnS on the new enemy with enough force to knock the other two down, the last to fall past the window frame on the right. Then kill them in order of furthest first, using a triangle zipline to move for speed. Doing it this way prevents the other new enemy on the bottom to shift right into the light and away from the setup you want. Since you have to return left anyway, this order makes the most sense. Triangle zipline back across afterward and cling to the left wall in the room below near the window.

Drop down and in mid-air start a zipline smash on the nearest enemy. Zipline to the unlit ceiling to wait out the collisions all the way across the room. This prevents anyone from seeing you using the computer, returning to the above level, and using the elevator for the next portion of the level. NOTE: You may get caught occasionally based on the vector you've chosen. However, when you're paused in mid-air turn-based combat does not start until after a full in-game second. This lets you zipline back to the left wall and take another zipline back up to the ceiling of the above room (zipline retractions being the fastest movement possible), breaking line of sight as soon as combat starts. Then simply return to the bottom floor to use the computer.

On leaving the elevator, immediately plan a jump (which pauses the game) through the window. Pause buffer when you're close to the glass until you're spotted by the samurai, then click to attack while unpausing. This lets the game continue to run normally during that action, allowing the enemy that's coming through the sliding door to show up earlier than usual. Jump to hover on the right side of the samurai, then kill. Break line of sight by jumping to the right wall above the window frame. Now hold pause, zipline down to the computer to use it, then get to the elevator. Due to the interactions of the overlapping enemies, a scan that would normally prevent you from moving directly to the elevator will be disrupted until you're safely inside.

When you leave the elevator, you can either risk a triangle zipline and maybe be seen by the enemies below which you will break in the next couple of turns or you can bunny hop away a little slower. Either way, get to your bike to finish the level.

3-2 (1:33) Take the elevator down quickly, there's a patrolling enemy coming up that needs to be in the right spot for later. For the top room, you can walk left for a split second just before the jump to make it to the elevator in one go.

Leave the elevator immediately and knock down the civilian. Their prone body will open the door, letting you freely triangle zipline through the next two rooms to the first set of stairs. Take the next set of stairs immediately too. Walk back a bit (though this might be what I'm comfortable with rather than safer/faster) then perform a zipline smash aimed near the sliding door on the nearest enemy. Wait a bit for the first collision, then follow to the computer. There is a patrolling enemy on the window above you. Depending on which way they're looking, shatter the window before or after using the computer so they won't see you. If you shatter the window before using the computer you will want to pause-buffer, zipline back down to the ground, use the computer and then zipline back out in order to have enough time to get away; the height is low enough that they'll remain standing after the fall and will immediately turn to face the computer. Avoid everyone else and take the elevator down.

Avoid the light and drop down to the room below and on your left. Triangle zipline through to the computer and return by the same way. In the large room, jump and zipline to the ceiling, drop down in front of the window on the right side and smash it well above the enemy in the room. You can also do this with a swing but it's much riskier to pull off without being noticed. Take the elevator down.

When the elevator dings, wait out the scan of the machine gunner (it will stop once the red line reaches the edge of the light in the other room), then zipline to the ceiling and continue right avoiding everyone. Smash the window of the computer room high up to avoid the scan of the other machine gunner, use the computer and knock the enemy down so you can return along the ceiling safely. Take the elevator up and get on your bike.

Kill the Doctor (2:06) Enter the building, knock down the enemy and immediately zipline to the ceiling. Drop down to the computer, use it, and zipline back. Zipline up to the next floor and drop roughly in front of the stairs to the roof which all can be done with the last civilian a few pixels away when you move into the stairwell. If you continue fast enough into the next building, you can reach the ground floor computer before the civilian in that room has enough time to turn around and see you. Similarly, if you're fast enough you can leave the room before the door closes, cling to the right wall, jump and make a zipline smash of the enemy on the platform before the other civilian in that area turns around. Coincidentally that also sets you up to smash through the window into the next computer room!

Get to the above floor, smash the window of the right side computer and knock over the enemy. Use the computer and then the next one in the level above. Take the stairs to your left.

This is a particularly interesting room because there's no fast way of clearing it out during a no upgrade run. Instead, we want to cling high to the left wall and make a series of zipline swings (typically 3) across the relatively empty center. Drop down to use the computer and immediately drop down to the right of the enemy scanning for you. Zipline SnS to clear the enemies near the elevator, then quickly get to the platform above before the scan catches you. Knock off the enemy on this platform, then jump out to swing into the empty space above the middle platform. As you come underneath the top platform, zipline smash the two enemies there and immediately zipline to the left side ceiling before the lights. There will be a scan coming from the left platform's enemies that we want to avoid and we also have to wait out the enemies on the middle platform to get back up. Once you can, drop down to the middle platform and knock off the enemies there, then zipline right to pause and examine the situation on the platform there.

There is some randomness, like the enemies on the ground to the left of the laser might have ambled over to investigate. You will have to wait for them to turn around before getting to the elevator. Sometimes an enemy you knocked off the middle platform survived the laser and will refuse to turn in which case you will have to reload and try again from the start of using the computer (immediately jump right to the wall if that happens to avoid a scan). Regardless, the strategy here is to clear out or otherwise temporarily disable all enemies that can see you drop down to the elevator before you can enter it.

Unlock the Doctor's door, jump and zipline to the ceiling above the sliding door. Knock down the machine gunner that appears, then go after the doctor before they jump out the window. Then prep for the jump into the next building. The next part is a bit tricky because we want to be near the platform with the machine gunner. This requires a zipline swing from a jump at just the right length followed by another swing after being detected. If all goes well you can start by killing the machine gunner there then jump down on top of the last pistol enemy in the room. Follow them out the window to the wall underneath the window frame, continuing your turns from there until you are back in real-time.

Clamber into the next building and zipline clip the window on the other side. Make a far jump to shatter the ceiling window below, pause at that point to zipline swing to avoid the light. Then keep going to your bike.

4-1 (2:08) You can leap across above the light and barely zipline to the corner of the building without being seen; it will take a jump aimed higher than usual. You will want to kill the machine gunner here because the alert they will call in will throw off the timing in the neuro-toxin room later on. Use the big wall to get on top of the three street lights and carefully hop across them. You can miss the last without issue but missing the other two will require a reload. Enter through the hole in the adjacent building and take the stairs down to the ground floor. Use the computer and open the door.

Zipline SnS the nearest enemy, aimed at the ground in the middle of the background window. Slight hop forward so your next jump into the radius of the mine is close enough to the right corner of the room to zipline to it. The enemies will be alerted but will immediately lose sight of you. Slide down into the window frame and jump towards the group. Kill the second enemy since they will be colliding with the machine gunner further on and out of range of your next attack. Now kill the first pistol enemy then finish off the machine gunner. Head down the elevator.

Leave the elevator immediately and zipline above the first enemy. Hover slice them on their left as they'll be in the way later. Short jump through the window onto the platform before the machine gunner, then immediately drop down to the wall below it. While pausing, jump left and zipline smash the machine gunner off the platform so they fall down to the floor. Still pausing, zipline to the wall and drop down to the floor too, avoiding a scan from the enemy. Wait until another enemy appears through the sliding door and hover slice them. Then get on top of the central portion and jump over the pistol enemy and the samurai, one of which is calling in the alert. Depending on when they halted their patrol route, you can do this in a single jump or break it into two, ziplining back to safety away from the samurai or the lights.

Zipline to the left wall underneath the platform and then zipline smash the machine gunner here so they also fall off the platform. Drop down immediately to the pistol enemy and hover slice them. Smash the window, hover slice the machine gunner there too, and smash the last window; this clears the way for later and you have to wait anyway for the alert countdown to finish. Once the countdown completes, use the security console to unlock the computer room door and quickly get inside before the pistol enemy's scan reaches that height.

Use the computer and immediately jump right out of the light without pausing; the sliding door continues to animate, the enemy will appear and will see you even if you have paused the game. Get above them, drop through the platform and zipline to the middle of the light where the security console is. This path avoids all enemies and being at the ceiling with the light means the rightmost platform enemy will not see you move through that section. Then it's a matter of getting back to the elevator and taking it up to your bike. Don't forget there's a floor in-between the elevator will stop at!

4-2 (2:10) Get into the main building through the second floor door, swinging underneath the electrified wires. Smash the window and swing into the room then smash the left window into the computer room. Get above the light and wait until the pistol enemy turns around to scan the room. Drop down to the left of the machine gunner, pause, and zipline smash them all the way across the rest of the room. While still holding pause, zipline back out of the light until the second collision is heard then it is safe to use the computer. Get out through the right door and wall climb to the left window.

Zipline window clip in and zipline smash the nearest enemy, aiming at the corner between where the two lights meet. Kill them during your first turn and their corpse will continue to knock everyone else down. Jump to collide with the machine gunner on the platform and wait on your next turn; we want an enemy to appear from the sliding door. Knock that new enemy down and kill them for your next two turns as you will be safe to do so. Jump forward to collide with the red visor enemy, then again to collide with the pistol enemy. This gives you a Limit Break while the machine gunner is aiming at you, giving you a free turn to collide with the machine gunner as well. Kill the machine gunner, kill the pistol enemy and hover slice the red visor enemy to complete the encounter. Take the stairs down.

On detection, kill the machine gunner. Jump to hover on the right side of the next enemy and evaluate. The alert countdown has finished at this point and the red visor enemy is also aiming at you. However, their aim has a bit of randomness and occasionally is along the ground where you would normally be if you attacked the pistol enemy on your next turn. If that happens, you can use a zipline to arrest your jump so you stay within attack range of that first enemy. Then continue normally by killing that first pistol enemy. Jump to hover again and kill the second pistol enemy. Then continue forward to finish off the red visor enemy next to the computer. Use the computer and return to the floor above. Use a zipline triangle after the window frame for a bit of speed.

On the floor above, you can zipline to the overhanging wall, clip to the other side, and drop down right on top of the computer for a bit of a speed boost. Then again where the platform meets the wall and outside. Scare the civilian, break the window and continue through that space. Unlock the door, scare the other civilians and smash through the window outside. Climb up to the vents and bunny hop to the big computer room. Movement is a bit tricky in this cramped environment but keep your mouse level when you have found a good pace and aren't hitting the ceiling. With precision you can get into the second vent without hitting the wall below it but that's fairly tricky and I haven't found a visual cue.

In the big computer room, get to the far left of the small platform just before the big computer. Aim a jump at the middle of the computer and have your cursor hanging above your character where the icon would appear while you're in the air. When you land immediately attempt to click on the use computer icon, followed up by a quick jump left without pausing. If you have done this correctly the level objective will be complete and you will have not been seen by the five enemies that have appeared. Swing underneath the computer platform and back into the vents. Once outside fall all the way down to your bike to finish the level.

Kill the Officer (1:10) As you get to the top of the second building, you can knock down the first enemy in your way without worry; the machine gunner will scan because it "heard" something but because the body fell out of sight they will not start an alert countdown. Using the really big overhang in the middle, swing across to the next building's wall. Fall down in front of the window. Make a high jump through the window to avoid the machine gunner inside from seeing you as they scan. Quickly hover slice them on their right side and return outside.

Zipline SnS this enemy and then make your way to the top of the street light. The pistol enemy you can see should be calling in the alert. Jump to the truck's cab. The Officer should be patrolling to the right leaving you free to knock over the machine gunner on top of the truck, then a zipline smash on the enemy below. Holding pause, jump towards the Officer and hover slice for the first attack. Follow it up with another attack and knock down the enemy counting down. Wait patiently while the machine gunner picks themself up, looks your way and then turns around. When they turn around, jump into the pool of light and up to the building wall.

Walljump up and around to drop on the big street light. Carefully drop down to the window at the ground level, avoiding the mine. Zipline triangle through that space and continue to your bike.

5-1 (2:45) Climb the building and break the window; you can jump to cling to the right side of the frame. Hover slice the enemy below you, then quickly make your way to the computer to use it. Return to the other room and smash the window the same way you did with the earlier one, which gets you noticed by the enemies in the room. Jump to hover near the machine gunner on their left side, then kill them on your next turn. NOTE: Occasionally the pistol enemy will aim where you would land to attack, so you will have to spend a turn waiting with a clever zipline swing to stay in attack range. Jump to the elevator door, then again to collide with the pistol enemy. Kill the pistol enemy, then the red visor enemy. Jump towards the window but do not break it yet. Instead, jump straight up next to the overhanging wall to break line of sight with the enemies on the other side of the building.

Drop down to the elevator to call it up to your floor but do not wait for it. Rather, return to the now broken window and get below the lights. Jump and swing across the wide space until you can zipline without being noticed into the top room with the computer. Zipline smash from the right side of the two enemies to clear them away so you can use the computer without being detected. Return across the open space underneath the lights and take the elevator down.

Upon leaving the elevator, jump forward to hover near the machine gunner. 95% of the time, you are free to attack them safely. The rare occasion the red visor enemy randomly decides to aim where you would attack will force you to improvise a little with a zipline swing. From there, drop down on top of the red visor enemy; while the jump indicator may make it appear to be too long for a single-turn jump, it can be done if aimed slightly left of their feet. Hover slice the nearest pistol enemy and jump twice to finish off the last one. Use the computer.

Hover slice the enemy below you and be noticed by the other two. Jump to the elevator door and then on top of the pistol enemy. Kill them. Jump up to collide with the last enemy and finish them off. Take the elevator back up.

From the elevator door, jump straight up and zipline to the left side of the roof window frame. Then make your way up across the roof to the wall below the next window, avoiding the mines beneath. Smash the window while staying outside (can be done by ziplining higher than you would for a window clip) and drop on top of the nearest enemy. Kill them, then jump to smash the window right underneath the other enemy on that floor as well as to collide with the machine gunner below. This will take two turns. Kill the machine gunner. Get out of harm's way by jumping to the top corner of the window. Then avoid the samurai's sword dash by jumping slightly left onto the ceiling. They will either fall out of the room or be adjacent to you; if it's the latter attack them to force them out of the room.

Continue your movement by jumping on top of the pistol enemy and killing them if it is safe. Otherwise jump on top of the machine gunner, kill them instead, then return to the pistol enemy. Once the encounter is complete, use the computer in the top right corner and swing back to the window frame on the right.

Swing into the room below and zipline SnS the machine gunner, getting spotted in the process. Corner clip the right side of the building to break line of sight, then flip back up into the room to wait for the nearest sliding door to release an enemy. When that happens, repeat the zipline SnS. This time, however, you will be jumping to break line of sight in the top left corner of that particular room. Then quickly continue deeper into the other rooms on the left; for some reason enemies are faster to get back on their feet this time around. Take advantage of that by zipline smashing the nearest one into the others in a giant pile near the computer. Sometimes there is an enemy that does not get knocked down because they were still in the process of getting back up. Avoid the light and drop on them from the left side before using the computer.

Quickly leave the series of rooms before the enemies notice you there. Jump out of the building and get to your bike.

5-2 (1:36) Get into the vent with a zipline from the top corner. Drop down quickly but pause before you fall into the light. Once you're able, jump on top of the first enemy and be noticed. A good visual cue is aiming at their right foot. Kill them for your first turn. For your second, jump on top of the second enemy this time aiming for the middle of their feet. Kill them while machine gun fire flies just above you. Jump on the red visor enemy, aiming at their left foot so they don't move very far. Kill them as well. For your last turn jump so you are clinging on the wall below the machine gunner. Immediately hold pause because you will have broken line of sight but also triggered a set of sliding doors to your left. Continue holding pause, jump left and zipline down, aiming at the set of background cubicles so that you land right in front of the stairs. Take them down and you will have successfully slipped away before the other enemy appears and sees you.

Quickly get to the computer below and use it, then return to the top level of this new room. If you've managed all this optimally the patrolling machine gunner is looking the other way, leaving you to easily move through the light without being seen until you reach the vent above. Move through the vent to the room below until you reach the top platform, then drop down to the computer between the two lasers. Use the computer and immediately leave through a zipline triangle on the left side and take the stairs below.

Make your way through the room across the ceiling to drop right in front of the window of the computer to the right. Quickly smash the window and use the computer, then zipline window clip back out. Make your way around the room via the ceiling until you can drop down in front of the room with the elevator in the bottom left corner. With some precision you can do this from the ceiling itself but being too far right will have you fall through the light and get noticed by enemies. Smash the window and quickly take the elevator before the enemy scans for you. Wait 32! seconds for the ride to finish reaching the surface and bunny hop your way to your bike.

Get Revenge (1:50) One jump closer is enough to window clip up to the security console. Then another jump right for a zipline down to the door to open it. Take the elevator up.

Smash the window before you and then the one embedded in the roof. Zipline smash the red visor enemy and be noticed. Calmly jump forward with each of your turns until you can corner clip outside to break line of sight. Drop down until you're even with the top of the window, then zipline window clip to be noticed once again. Aim your jump so your second turn would have you land in the middle of the left side of the ground mine's radius. But for your second turn aim a zipline right at the ceiling mine so you'll swing to collide with the pistol enemy. Next, jump to collide with the machine gunner but land as far left as possible. Drop down so on your second turn you will land just left of the mine on the ground in-between the buildings, which should have you end your first turn just underneath the machine gun fire of a distant enemy. Let your second turn play out, then jump to collide with the pistol enemy in the left building.

Now the ground is unsafe due to a machine gunner aiming at you. Jump to hover underneath the center platform. Then swing to stay underneath the platform but on the other side. For your next turn break your zipline so that you'll fall on top of the left enemy on the ground. Jump to hover just above a couple of background cords in the middle of the space, so your head is about level with the room's floor you just jumped out of. At this point you've avoided most of the hazards that would start you bleeding out and made it difficult to complete the objective. From here onward, there is some randomness but so long as you avoid taking a second hit of machine gun fire the run should be free. I'll detail a possible set of movements to aim for but be flexible if you don't hit each mark exactly the way it's described.

Swing into the room below such that you will clip the enemy but still be high in the air, about the middle of a nearby background window. Kill that enemy to avoid being shot, then jump forward past the sliding door but low enough to still avoid being shot. A machine gunner will have appeared and everyone is aiming at you. Jump high into the air such that you will land late in your second turn on top of the pistol enemy. After that second turn, jump forward to knock the right machine gunner down.

Jump through the window and swing into the space below for your next two turns. For the third turn if you break your zipline you should smash through the window and into the room safely. Jump forward to the group protecting your objective. Kill them. Then it's a matter of letting the turns run through until you're shot once (for the bleedout counter) and again by machine gun fire to finish you off, completing the game.

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Postad 5 years ago