A glitch that disables encounters
8 months ago
Greater London, England

Posted this in the discord but felt that I should make it known here too:

Pretty much, it seems that getting an encounter at the same as starting a pvp battle (or something similar, documentation is pretty bare bones) will completely disable getting encounters at all, even when entering a new area.

I think this is because the game still treats you as if you're in an encounter - you'll know that the glitch worked if you hear an encounter theme playing in the overworld, however the theme will be changed out for the theme of any new area you enter, but the glitch still applies.

Currently, we don't know if anything stops the glitch from working, or a more detailed setup.

What are your thoughts on this?

Senaste nyheterna
Roulette Complete Ban

To be clear, any use of roulette is banned from all categories. If this decision is changed, there will be another news post. No, this affects no current runs nor submissions, this is just to notify a global rule clarification.

Also, allowing random gifts from the daily rewards is currently in ques

10 months ago