I got 6:41
3 years ago
Florida, USA

video is required for all run submissions. if you want to submit a run, go here: https://www.speedrun.com/redball1/editrun#12_Levels

Gaming_64 och SpeedyFolf gillar detta

you should be able to, i use a laptop from 2015, just make sure your do what i do and lower your frames per second and lower your quality so you can have higher frames and less frame drops

Gerbungis och SpeedyFolf gillar detta
New Zealand

you need to tell us your credit card details aswell

TheEgglet, Skeeter och 5 andra gillar detta
United Kingdom

I honestly can't tell if your being serious, but just In case, he was joking

Gerbungis och DillPickel gillar detta

they were joking, we dont ask for any personal information :)

Gerbungis tycker om detta
South Carolina, USA

taco is lying we need your credit card details, your mothers maiden name, your mother herself, and a cat in a box shipped to the pentagon

pinkey tycker om detta

Also your first child

Colorado, USA

how to unfollow individual threads?

Cookie1284, CrabbyCrab101 och 2 andra gillar detta
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

how do my xbox go in hd

Soupious och DillPickel gillar detta
Senaste nyheterna
Individual Level Submissions are Open on This Leaderboard

(copied from discord announcement)

The migration of IL runs from Red Ball Category Extensions has been completed. ILs are now hosted on the Level leaderboard of each individual game in the Red Ball series. The RBCE IL board will remain up for a few days until everything has been archived, but no

2 years ago
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Postad 3 years ago
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Postad 19 days ago