Few ideas for "3+ player vs AI" Speedrun attempts.
2 months ago

Thought to explore in 3+ player speedrun. These are not definitive.

  • if push mid, get 3 jungle kills. First b4 minion spawn, 2nd on red. Then last on blue at 3min.
  • if push duo, gank jungle twice. Red b4 minion spawn, red after minion spawn
  • if push offlane, do solo melee speedrun strat. All players.
  • rotated out from the towers with all but 1 player for full gold value. 500 for 1, rest get 100.
  • change who gets the tower gold value based on current gold value.
  • recall by the time you have enough g for first t3 item. Probably should be times with inhibitor b4 it is destroyed
  • lanes should be either offlane or duo lane. My reasoning is simple. Offlane has strongest AI pusher, Grux. Duo has most enemies so most gold gain.
  • whichever lane you chose do not chose that corresponding lane role. Carry for duo lane. Offlane for offlane.
  • There is no need to chose a character of the SAme role as picked. Everyone can chose a ADC if they want.

Always Gank Together.

What to plan b4 hand.

  • what lane to push Together.
  • who plays what role.

Write those down so they are easily accessible for everyone.

  • talk about how much gold you all have when focusing something down. To decide who gets kill vs assist.
  • pre-determin what items and gold cost for everyone. Discuss it b4hand. Write them all down and their prices so everyone knows.

Just some thoughts I had regarding how to optimize some of the speedrun attempts.

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