Game installation on modern systems
Game installation on modern systems
Uppdaterad 11 months ago av Podrob

For ressources and informations on how to install the game on your modern gaming system, Pod's Discord server "IO" is certainly the place to go.

You will find a Platinum version of the game there with all tracks and cars installed. Allowing you to compete right away on all the listed tracks on this page. This version has been prepared with love by Ray Koopa. Other ressources are available on that server, like technical informations, ghosts files, various discussions.

Here's an invitation link the the server :

Once installed, make sure to set up the game so it's synched to real time. Using vertical synchronisation and 60hz refresh rate or 60fps limiter will be required to do so. As said in the rules, any run where in-game timer (IGT) is not synched on real time (RT) will be refused.

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