Obsolete or pb?
1 year ago
United Kingdom

If you got an IGT pb but that same run not being a pb in the overall time, would the run count as a pb or would it be obsolete?

Madison, WI, USA

I am 90% sure this would be a pb due to IGT being the more important time over the overall time. Then again, I am not a mod so idk.

Georgia, USA

What the actual fuck is this supposed to mean


Igt is literally the only thing that matters in piggy speedruns


Unless if it’s all chap


we need a mod to answer this ngl


@Oskars2022 it’s a pb obviously

Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago

its a pb

igt is only used in all chapters runs dont put it anywhere else because mods have to remove it then


@Danny_hi2 i thought igt was used in all chap and in piggy runs

Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago
Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago