4 years ago
Utah, USA

Some rules would be good. Maybe describe the run as a three-set tournament. It might be good to have a five and seven as well. And of course to describe the start and end events, just for verbosity.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Utah, USA

Here's what I would say:

Run begins when selecting 3 Set and ends at the beginning of the sweep animation that shows the final score of the final round (e.g. 2-0). And of course, the usual caveats, no turbo buttons/messing with emulation speed, no state saves, etc.

It appears that the dice the players are "holding" disappear on the beginning of the sweep. That's a pretty solid indicator.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago

That's pretty much how I used to time it, but I now added rules:

Time starts on selecting the number of sets and ends on winning the final match.

Frameprecise timing: Timing start: The last frame that the text "HOW MANY PLAY" is visible on. Timing end: The player's dice disappearing.

I don't think milliseconds are necessary yet.

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