More Categories
5 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Has it been considered to add an S Rank and 100% category on the boards? Could be interesting and bring new ways to play.

Jadusable2 och Sleepwalker_92 gillar detta
Minnesota, USA

I think I saw Carcinogen was routing 100% S ranked runs, it looked pretty fun. There's definitely an interest for it

Jadusable2 och OneCoolMan gillar detta
United Kingdom

Carci kinda routed 6 of one and half a dozen of the other, in a way. Did Hundo minus files and also got S-Rank, haha. Happy to see it when there are runs for it. Lemme know when you got one done and wanting to upload and I'll add the board for it

Sleepwalker_92 tycker om detta

Personally, I'd say wait for it until runners are stacked up in the current board there is hardly any people running atm and I am even more surprised that no one ran on PC yet.

The game just got released and there is no need to add and make the board end up like Onimusha 2

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago


"Carci kinda routed 6 of one and half a dozen of the other"

So 6 and 6?

North Carolina, USA

Adding categories won't hurt the board. If anything change could bring more runners. I recently added a new category to MGSV: Ground Zeroes board and it brought in a couple of new runners. Anyway, just don't be afraid to change stuff around and test a little. I'll be improving my Easy time for now but when I run 100% it'll be for everything including files.

Faroe Islands

I added the 100% (S-rank) category as requested. I wrote some rules for it, but tell me if I'm missing something or got something wrong.