Any% Steps for a New Runner
Any% Steps for a New Runner
Uppdaterad 8 years ago av AlphaDolphin

Written by ZewingSDA & Alphadolphintv

Needed: o 999999SP. (The fastest method is to fight an Al with Handicap at the Top Level) Why ? : Because SP makes you unlock things and you don't want anything new.

o The game finished Why ? : Because you need to buy items (3) : Biggest load of Top Level Medicine, Giant Food Pills and Paper Bomb: Destruction.

o Option on Very Easy Why ? : Because it's sooooooooooooo easier.

o Not cut the inputs too fast on the Cutscene Fights Why ? : You need to skip secret factors which are activated by the number of stars that you have.

o Ramen, Paper-Bomb Tags, Paper Bomb: Destruction, Giant Food Pills on Fighting Circle Why ? : It's fast.

o Fun Why ? : Because it's meant to be.


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