[NEW] Hacked% Guide.
[NEW] Hacked% Guide.
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av theconqueror12

[CHANGE IN RULES : YOU NOW NEED TO PLAY IN BROWSER! you can still follow my tips In-Game but you now need to play in the browser.) Hi! so I decided to make a guide for the really dead speedrunning community. But anyway first off what your going to want to do is go to (Optional) https://scratch.mit.edu/download and download the latest version of scratch for your operating system, (Shown Here: https://imgur.com/a/Xt9Jxz0 ) And then download the ninja Roy hacked project I uploaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15i3rrEPArhO-Iat7xMA2PJSUaNwQX77c/view?usp=sharing and once you have scratch downloaded open the project file I uploaded and it will open a thing with some scratch coding and a window with the game. Why I recommend this is because on the website the games are slightly laggy and it can be more difficult to play but if you'd rather play it online play it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2322468/ Second off I made a video covering the tips and tricks I use (With all the up to date clips and strategies) and you can view it here:

I hope you all enjoyed this guide and if you have any questions or need any help feel free to leave a YouTube comment!

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