Donation Perks Unlocked


Update on donation perks and upcoming site maintenance.

Donation Perks Unlocked
Publicerad 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

This is just a mini update, but we wanted to give everyone a heads-up on some work we'll be doing in the next month or two.


We know a lot of people have been asking how they can unlock the donator perks since we've turned off donations, and we're very excited to announce that they will be unlocked for everyone starting today! The only perk that will not be unlocked is the Coin Badge, but anyone who donated during Pac's time running SR.C will keep the Coin Badge. The hover text will now say 'Original Donor' as a thank you for the support.


Over the next two months we'll be addressing a lot of site bugs, including the milliseconds formatting bug, the 404 window when you try to cancel rejecting a run bug, and some search bugs. This is not a full list, and we'll update everyone in the winter update on the progress we've made.


We continue to be hard at work on backend changes to make the site run smoother, and in order to complete some of those tasks we'll need to temporarily bring the site into read-only mode for a few hours in the next couple of weeks. We'll be tweeting and have a banner on the SR.C home page to notify people when it's closer to the date, and we apologize for any inconvenience it might cause.

We've been reading all the feedback we've received through the feedback form and making sure it's all logged in the proper place, so thank you all again for helping contribute to the improvement of the site! We're especially interested in any feedback on the moderator tools as we've started planning the updates for that tool set, so if you haven't sent that in yet, We'd love any opinions you may have.


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