Adventure NG+
Adventure NG+
Uppdaterad 6 years ago av Tech


Play through all the required stages, except for Bask Ruins - A Bone to Pick and Temple of Bask - An Ancient Trial, in any order, except for Temple of Bask Shrine - The Final Battle! You are able to play with any or all rackets (Flame Racket is recommended). Be sure to do runs after you've beaten Adventure once, this run requires you to play on a completed file. Being max level (Level 99) is not required and does not make a big difference in gameplay either way. You can relatively do whatever areas you'd prefer in order, but this guide provides getting rid of the RNG related areas first, and includes 7 travel warps (this saves 1-2s over the previous route).

Timing begins on Start input before loading the first stage.

Snowfall Mountain Summit - Snow Ogre Showdown:

Skip the intro cutscene. Try to hit as many Max Charge Shots or well timed Trick Shots as possible to gain energy to fill up the gauge, then use Special Shots to deal more damage to Snow Ogre. Use Trick Shots to dodge its attacking phases. Advanced strat: Before Zone Shotting, run infront of the Star Point, then Zone Shot slightly underneath the bottom of the Snow Ogre's hand aimed at the ground to ricochet directly into the eye of the other hand.

Marina Stadium - Lucien Cup Finals:

Use the map to travel to Marina Stadium. Skip the intro cutscenes. Use Zone Shots, Lobs and Body Shots against Wario and Waluigi. Lob at the service line, and try to cross up when at the net. Avoid having a full gauge, Daisy will waste time by using Special Shots when its full. For Luigi, use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible, with the Flame Racket, it takes 6 Special Shots and 1 Zone Shot to break Luigi's racket.

Mirage Mansion - Malicious Mirrors:

Use the map to travel to Mirage Mansion. Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible at the very back of the court to break Boo's rackets. This causes a 100% guarantee break everytime. Avoid hitting the mirrors.

Reflection Room - The Great Mirror Mystery:

In the first part of this stage, try to find the portal that once hit shines a golden ring around it, that is the real portal, if you hit a portal that shines a silver ring, shoot or Zone Shot a different portal until you hit all 3 correct portals. Use Slices and Lobs when necessary.

Royal Chamber - All Hail the Mirror Queen:

Skip the intro cutscene. Try to hit as many Max Charge Shots or well timed Trick Shots as possible to gain energy to fill up the gauge, then use Special Shots to deal more damage to Madame Mirage. Use Trick Shots to dodge its attacking phases. Advanced strat: Zone Shot slightly underneath the bottom furniture piece aimed at the ground to ricochet directly into Madame Mirage.

Inferno Island - Mechakoopa Crisis:

Use the map to travel to Inferno Island. Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible at the very back of the court to break Boom Boom's rackets. This causes a 100% guarantee break everytime.

Castle Gates - Defeat Bowser's Minions!:

Abuse Zone Shots when possible, aim at other Hammer Bros that are not about to throw a hammer to keep the Zone Shot chain going, aim and shoot at other Fire Bros to keep the Zone Shot chain going. Stay next to the Mechakoopa spawners on either side of the court when on the Whomp, the Whomp gets trapped in the corner closest to you and never moves the entire time. Use Special Shots to deal more damage to the Whomp.

Bowser's Castle - Battle the Treasure Guardian!:

Skip the intro cutscene. Avoid using Special Shots, they don't do much extra damage and is slower than hitting 3 fireballs. Use Trick Shots to dodge its attacking phases.

Snowfall Mountain - One versus...One?:

Use the map to travel to Snowfall Mountain. Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible at the very back of the court to break Shy Guy's rackets. This causes a 100% guarantee break everytime.

Snowfall Mountain Station - Snowball Fight:

Abuse Zone Shots when possible, aim at other Shy Guys that are are not holding a snowball to keep the Zone Shot chain going.

Savage Sea Coast - The Sort-Of Sea Monster:

Use the map to travel to Savage Sea. Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible at the very back of the court to break Blooper's rackets. This causes a 100% guarantee break everytime. Avoid using Lobs.

Savage Sea Bay - The Sea Monster Attacks!:

Try to hit as many Max Charge Shots or well timed Trick Shots as possible to gain energy to fill up the gauge, then use Special Shots to deal more damage to Gooper Blooper. Use Trick Shots to dodge its attacking phases.

Piranha Plant Forest - Pipe Gripe:

Use the map to travel to Piranha Plant Forest. Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible at the very back of the court to break Donkey Kong's racket. This causes a 100% guarantee break everytime..

Piranha Plant Habitat - Rapid Fire:

Abuse Zone Shots when possible, aim at other Piranha Plants that are about to shoot to keep the Zone Shot chain going.

Ancient Altar - Forest Monster:

Skip the intro cutscene. Try to hit as many Max Charge Shots or well timed Trick Shots as possible to gain energy to fill up the gauge, then use Special Shots to deal more damage to Petey Piranha. Use Trick Shots to dodge its attacking phases.

Bay Ferry - Battle Boat:

Use well timed Trick Shots to gain energy on your gauge and instantly use Special Shots as soon as possible and aim it at the opposite direction from Koopa Troopa's racket to break his rackets. This causes a near 100% guarantee break everytime.

Temple of Bask Shrine - The Final Battle!:

Use the map to travel to Bask Ruins. Skip the intro cutscene. Try to avoid using any Special Shots or Zone Shots and Zone Speed if you can. Good aim is key. Use Lobs to hit the upper plates, Topspins for the middle plates and Slices at the lower plates. Advanced strat: during the rally phases, run up to the invisible border and time Bowcien's Charge Shots accordingly.

Timing ends as soon as the final Zone Shot hits Bowcien.

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Nivå: Snowfall Mountain
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