Looking to run this game!
5 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Loved this game as a kid and am looking to try and submit a run before the end of the year. Any tips or info you could point me in the direction of would be great!

NehkRohw tycker om detta
Missouri, USA

Cool finally another person running this game as well! Looks like we are automatically friends now

KanadianKaminari tycker om detta
Alberta, Canada

Indeed! Doing some playthoughs at the moment then hoping to get setup on Twitch in a few weeks! I was able to Find your Twitch page yesterday but I missed your Runs and the Vod only got 15mins sadly! ill make sure to pop in for the next one!

NehkRohw tycker om detta
Missouri, USA

Sure sounds good. Gonna be doing a run tomorrow. Hopefully no pop ups ruin the runs this time

San Diego, CA, USA

I will try to respond tomorrow. I thought this community was dead, so I haven't been checking lately. It's awesome to see people on this. I'm on my phone, so it will be a pain to respond with this. I haven't run this since the wr so I will try to remember some tips. If you have any questions about specifics let me know, and I can elaborate on it.

San Diego, CA, USA

I have posted tips in another thread. If you have any questions feel free to ask them here or there.

RevHavoc tycker om detta
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