Wanting to participate
8 years ago

I would like to participate in an all-cups 150cc run, but my only problem is not having recording software to do this. Is there anything I can do otherwise? (Timers, etc)

Massachusetts, USA

You can use any external timer, like Livesplit, and upload your splits along with your run. We don't have any strict restrictions on recording MK7 runs due to how annoying it can be to set up.

Alright. I'll set up some splits and get to it.

Hopefully I'll get less blue shells.

A quick question... Are some runs segmented? There's some runs over on Shell cup that are a whole minute faster, and I wonder how.

More importantly, how can you determine if someone is playing segmented or not?

Massachusetts, USA

All runs on the leaderboards should be single segment.

I'm aware that there are some questionable individual cup times on the leaderboards currently. I started investigating them about a month ago, but I was busy during the holiday season. I'll get back to it soon.

No problem! I am glad to see that at least it's sought into. Stacy1199's time I can understand; car-racing games are pretty consistent on the terms of optimal time, especially glitch-less.

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