Documenting glitches or exploits (useful & useless)
1 year ago
United States

I thought in this thread we could document all known glitches or exploits in Mizzurna Falls. Even if they are seemingly useless at the moment, could prove to be useful in the future.

United States

Winona Glitch:

After the break in at Emma's house (if you've done it at the right time), Winona still stands outside the house and if you talk to her, she starts walking forwards, a bit closer to the house. Now by showing her the key, you activate her "follow Matthew" script, and she gets locked into place around him. By talking to her AFTER showing the key, she starts her walk cycle towards the house, however she is locked into following Matthew and therefore starts constantly moonwalking around him.

This glitch not only funny looking, but also useful. When entering the main building of the school, she tends to get stuck at the entrance with the current route. You'd need to turn around and talk to her to get her to move again. However if you have the Winona glitch activated, she never gets stuck there, saving some time.

United States

NPC Travel Skip exploit a.k.a. STD (Sleep Travel Disruption)

NPCs have a set schedule they follow. One of the major examples, used in both good and bad ending is on Wednesday. Mogan gets up from his desk exactly at 10:40 to go get lunch at Heinds Diner. He takes about 20-25 minutes (in-game) to reach his destination. You can however manipulate this by sleeping and waking up at the right time. If you wake up at 10:40 or later, that means he will teleport to the diner. If you wake up at 10:39 or earlier, he still has to go through his daily routine of driving over there.