Notreal and Routing
Notreal and Routing
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av CyAmethyst

Been a long time since I made a guide, but here I am again to discuss Notreal, the 3rd track in the Very Special Cup.

Notreal is normally a slog to get through if you don't drift, easily taking ~2 minutes per race on the slower engine speeds, and barely getting under that in 180cc. 240+cc is easier just because you go much faster.

But with drifting... it makes it much more bearable.

You see, if you charge up a drift all the way to the max, aka when your car is emitting white sparks, you can get a crazy speed boost that lasts quite a while, and it helps cut the track down to size a LOT.

On 60cc, this is especially important since you can do TWO of them on the front and back straights.

I'll now provide a small list of my personally recommended drifts for the first 3 engine classes to give a small synopsis at just how much time you can gain:


  1. Do an orange drift (orange sparks) at the starting hairpin
  2. Charge up the white drift at the start of the uphill and then release it, timing is somewhat important
  3. After going around the double left-hander into the chicane onto the back straight, charge up another white drift and then release it before you go downhill
  4. (optional, a replacement for 3) If you don't get the third drift, you can charge up an orange or purple drift (purple sparks) along the downhill to make up for the lost speed
  5. Heading back to the start/finish line, do an orange drift to build up speed to the hairpin and complete the lap
  6. Repeat 1-5 on Lap 2


  1. Same as 60cc
  2. Same as 60cc, but the timing's more important because you go faster in 120cc
  3. Instead of a white drift, do a purple instead as the boost will take you much closer to the downhill section than before
  4. (optional, replacement for 3) Same as 60cc, although I recommend orange in this case
  5. Same as 60cc
  6. Repeat 1-5 on Lap 2


  1. Instead of an orange, do a blue (blue sparks) instead, as you'll be going through the hairpin a lot quicker than before
  2. Same as 60/120cc, but the timing is more strict/important than before
  3. Instead of drifting, while the boost is active, use a strawberry on the back straight, extending the boost just a little longer
  4. (For GP or optional if you can't do 3) Same as 120cc, blue/orange should be sufficient, orange is preferable, just mind your steering
  5. Same as 60/120cc
  6. Repeat 1-5 on Lap 2
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