T3t's Lifeline Speedrun Notes (English)
T3t's Lifeline Speedrun Notes (English)
Uppdaterad 6 years ago av T3tsuya

T3t’s Lifeline Speedrun Notes

General tips for fast:

Enunciate as much as possible and speak with a consistent meter. Sometimes the game cares less about the actual word you say than how you say it. (We’ve managed to get Rio to accept commands by guitar instead of your voice.)

Prepositions can be dropped from mostly everything. You’ll end up saving a fair bit of time just eliminating them from your commands completely and going full caveman speech. (“Run to Shutter 7” can become “Run Shutter 7” without a problem. This can be taken to extremes with “What are you looking for?” becoming “WHAT LOOK FOR?”.)

If Rio is walking for any reason, tell her to RUN or HURRY. Time saved really adds up and sometimes she just won’t listen to the run command the first time.

Don’t sit at low health. If you’re at low health there’s a chance that Rio will be winded and move slower during animations. It’s more worth it to shortly go out of your way for a health capsule than miss enemy cycles due to slow animations.

In battle if you can’t get a good view of the enemy, press R1 to switch the camera. This is useful in some battles that would make it so you otherwise can’t see the enemy at all.

Multiple commands can be sent in the same message and will be executed in order. Instead of saying LEFT EYE and then waiting for Rio to finish and then saying MIDDLE EYE, you can feasibly send LEFT EYE, RIGHT EYE, MIDDLE EYE and Rio will shoot in all those locations one after another. Sometimes the game doesn’t like long messages so try to limit it. Generally it’s advisable to give her no more than two commands at a time.

It is possible to queue commands. It’s not always useful but there’s some points it could help you. (Mostly steam vents and fights.) When you hold O to give Rio a command it doesn’t send until you let go of the button. So if you have a situation where you want a command to be instantly sent after an animation or in anticipation of something you can give the command, remain silent after the command, and then release O when you want it to be accepted. This is useful in situations like fighting a worm where you can say “Left Eye, Right Eye” and while the animation is playing out for those, quickly queue “Middle Eye, Red Eye” for when it finishes.

Whenever you say “Shoot” in battle. Rio will shoot the last shot location. Useful for locations with long names. (“Shoot Shoot Shoot” is much faster than “Left Stomach, Left Stomach, Left Stomach”)

Script and Walkthrough:

SAFETY denotes areas that you should take extra precautions in for marathons and if you’re running low on health because of any number of bad things that could happen. Going out of your way for health capsules always takes time but in a no-reset run it’s preferable to dying or running low on health. During marathons, you’re gonna want to go out of your way to get save points before big areas.

Whenever you are meant to analyze, close, or open something, that’s the square button.

Donation incentive / alternate run options are noted in a way that wastes the least time.

Security Room

“Rio" for shortest conversation path. OPEN the Door Panel, OPEN the Locker "Get up" to get her up quicker. FIGHT: 1 Worm “Naomi” “Yes” “Yes” “Consultation” “Yes” “Run hallway”


ANALYZE Video Disc “Run Guest Room 1” FIGHT: 3 Slugs (HEAD, MOUTH all of them) “Run Guest Room 1” OPEN Lock

Guest Room 1

“Run Bed” FIGHT: 1 Slug (Queue STOMACH, MOUTH and wait until it moves) “Run Bathroom,” “Under Sink” for Shutter Key #1 SAFETY: “Run Bed,” Heal Capsule “Run Hallway”


“Run Shutter 7” OPEN Shutter Panel FIGHT: 1 Worm “Run Guest Room 2” CLOSE Shutter (Don’t forget shutter defaults to OPEN.) “Run Guest Room 2” OPEN Door Panel

Guest Room 2

“Run Bed” FIGHT: 2 Slugs, 1 Orange Slug “Run Dresser,” Heal Capsule “Bed,” “Check Safe,” ON Safe, Password 2021 for Shutter Key #2 “Run Hallway”


“Run Shutter 3” OPEN Shutter Panel FIGHT: 1 Worm “I want to monopolize” “Run Guest Room 4” OPEN Door Panel

Guest Room 4

FIGHT: 2 Evil Hands, 1 Slug “Run Living Area” “Check Behind Chair,” Audio Password SAFETY: “Check Rations,” Heal Capsule “Run Hallway”


“Run Sun Suite” “I want to monopolize,” (in unison with Rio) “Even the very shadow that you cast in sunlight, I want to monopolize.”

Sun Suite “Run Lounge” (When Rio passes red chairs) “Run 2nd Floor” for Shutter Key #3. (This makes Rio go around the trigger for a worm fight.) “Run Hallway”


“Run Shutter 2” OPEN Shutter Panel

Equipment Room

“Run Supply Unit” “Get On” ON Power Panel, ON Lift Panel UP, RIGHT, DOWN/LEFT, RIGHT, “Check,” for Magnesium Chip DOWN, “Get Off” “Run Hallway”


“Run Infirmary”


“Gauze, Stethoscope, Bed, Operating Table, Patients, Bedpan” “Molotov Cocktail” “Run Desk,” “Open Drawer,” for ID Card

------------FOR SEXY POSE RUN---------- “Check the PC”

“Run Case 3,” “Use ID,” OPEN Switch for Alcohol SAFETY: Save “Run Hallway”

Hallway “Run Shutter 4,” “Yes,” OPEN Shutter Panel (When spider’s mouth is open coming down from right wall) “Now” “Run Rest Rooms”

Rest Rooms

“I’m okay,” “Calm down,” “Yes” “Lady’s Stalls” “Closet” OPEN Closet, 029 “Read Note,” for Shutter Key #4 “Run Hallway”


“Run Shutter 5” OPEN Shutter Panel “Run Guest Room 5” OPEN Door Panel

Guest Room 5

FIGHT: 1 Worm, 1 Slug (Immediately take out eyes on worm and then spam mouth on slug) “Run Bed,” “Shoot Bucket,” “Shoot Extinguisher,” for Shutter Key #5

------------FOR SHE SELLS RUN---------- “Run to bathroom” "LOOK UNDER WIG"

“Run Hallway”


“Run Shutter 6”

FIGHT: 1 Tough Worm (Fast rotation to take out all parts: Left Eye, tail. Shoot shoot on recoil. Left Eye, mouth. Shoot Shoot. Left Eye, Middle Eye. Shoot Shoot. Right Eye, shoot shoot. Reload. Red Eye. Shoot Shoot.)

“Run Shutter 6” OPEN Shutter Panel

Moon Suite

“Right” when turning corner “No!” when aiming gun at guy “Yes”


“Run Receiving Port” FIGHT: 1 Evil Hand, 1 Slug “Run Receiving Port” “Run Receiving Port” FIGHT: 1 Evil Hand, 1 Worm “Run Receiving Port”

Receiving Port

“Panel” ON both panels OPEN Gate Switch “Yes” “Run Control Staff” OPEN Door Panel

Control Staff Quarters

“Run Jonathan’s Room” to avoid longer fight trigger FIGHT: 1 Orange Slug “Run Jonathan’s Room” OPEN Lock, “Strawberry Candy” “Check PC,” DOWNLOAD Night Vision “Run Hallway”


“Run Service Staff” SAFETY: “Run Area A,” Heal Capsule FIGHT: 1 Worm “Run Service Staff”

Service Staff Quarters

FIGHT: 1 Giant Plant, 2 Orange Slugs (Go for slugs first. Number 2, Head, Head, Head. Number 3, Head, Head, Head. Branches, Right Eye. Shoot Shoot. Middle Eye) “Cheer up“ x2, “Warehouse Key” SAFETY: “Run Galley,” Heal Capsule SAFETY: Save “Run Hallway”


“Run Warehouse”


(Lots of fights in here that block off view of the enemy. Use R1 camera.) “Yes” “(say whether she has her arms up. Right, left, both, or neither. Note that it is HER right/left)” “Run C-2” (repeat after fights until you get there) FIGHT: 2 Evil Hands (Go for tongue during attack animation. FIGHT: 3 Slugs (shoot all in the head. One will turn Yellow, one is Orange, one will split into two Orange) FIGHT: 2 Evil Hands, 1 Slug (Turn around. Get closest hand first. Stomach, Mouth the slug during animation. Get last hand tongue during animation. FIGHT: 3 Slugs (shoot all in the head. They turn orange) FIGHT: 2 Slugs, 1 Evil Hand (Stomach, Mouth slugs during animation. Eye, Tongue the evil hand down.) FIGHT: 2 Evil Hands, 1 Slug (Move Left and get tongue of first hand. Turn around and get tongue of second hand. Stomach, Mouth down the slug) ON Main Switch “Run” SAFETY: “Run Area A,” Heal Capsule “Run Area C” FIGHT: 1 Frog, 1 Slug (Pop frog’s legs and then stomachs. Stomach, Mouth down the slug during animation) “Run Area B”

Steam Vents

“Yes” Navigate Rio by moving between RED, BLUE, and GREEN. Note that she can skip over Blue section to the far section on either side if necessary. Don't forget to tell her to “HURRY”.

(This section can be the run killer if you mess it up. Here’s how I ended up getting it consistent.)

“Hurry” immediately Continue down two red sections. “Blue” One blue section. “Red” Two Sections “Blue” One Section “Green” One Section “Blue” One Section “Green” One Section “Red”

Second section.

“Hurry” immediately Two Sections “Green” One Section “Stop” “Blue” Wait for steam to cycle “Hurry” Keep going until first steam vent on blue line. “Stop” on it. Wait for steam in front of you to cycle. “Hurry” until end section of blue line. “Green” One Section “Red” Go to end of red line. “Stop” Wait for blue line steam to cycle Wait for green line steam to cycle “Green” “Hurry”until end of green line “Red” One section “Blue”

Get Launcher Shell x2 “Run Waiting Room”

Waiting Room

“What look for?” “Red and blue stars” “Geno” “No” “Run Business Center,” “Use Front Copier,” “Check Keybox,” OPEN Keybox, “Jonathan Turner,” for Restaurant Key “Run Hallway” “Run Elevator Hall” “Run Observatory Restaurant”

Observatory Restaurant

“Yes” “Run Section 2” “Run Section 2” FIGHT: 1 Frog, 1 random Get Launcher Shells. Repeat until you have 3 shells. “Run Chandelier” Alternate “Launcher” and “Run Chandelier”, for Elevator Code “Run Exit 1”

Exit 1

“Run Elevator” FIGHT: Yellow Crab “Run Elevator”


Code 0423 “Yes,” “Rio,” for shortest conversation “Rio,” again for shortest conversation “Yes” “Run Exit 1”


“Run Break Room” FIGHT: 1 Tough Worm (Left Eye, Tail. Shoot Shoot. Shoot Shoot. Left Eye, Mouth. Shoot Shoot. Reload. Left Eye, Mouth, Shoot. Middle Eye, Shoot Shoot. Right Eye, Shoot) “Run Break Room”

Break Room

FIGHT: Yellow Crab (“Back” to get against wall. Then continue normally) “Run Table,” “Clean Coffee Powder,” for Manager’s Office Key “Run Vending Machines” SAFETY: “Check Top of Left Machine,” Heal Capsule “Open Trash Can” for Launcher Shell “Run Hallway” “Threaten”


“Run Manager’s Office” FIGHT: 2 Evil Hands, 1 Slug (Tongue shot to both hands. Stomach, Mouth the slug during animation) “Run Manager’s Office” FIGHT: 3 Frogs SAFETY: Save “Run Manager’s Office”

Manager’s Office

“Shoot” “Shoot” FIGHT Boss: Blue Alien (Not too difficult but can go horribly wrong. Read write up) “Run Bed” “Open Safe”, “4 to the Right” “6 to the Left,” “2 to the Right,” for Exhibit Room Key and Allen’s Disc (Couple minute long cutscene. Bathroom break time. This is your only chance man don’t pass it up.) “Run Hallway”


“Run Exhibit Room” “Get Ready Set,” ON Door Panel (select ON in unison with Rio swiping the card)

Exhibit Room

“Run Case 3” (Enemies here are random, crab is by far slowest. Know how to deal with any enemy in this room. I save before this to practice good fight solves when not doing runs.) FIGHT: Yellow Crab OR 3 Worms OR Giant Plant and 2 Slugs “Run Case 3” FIGHT: Yellow Crab OR 3 Worms OR Giant Plant and 2 Slugs “Run Case 3” ANALYZE PBX, ANALYZE Time Fuse "Enter the sum of the last digits of today's date," 15 "Enter the number of guest checked into the Hotel," 50 "Enter the sum of the last digits of PM Takayama's birth date," “Relax,” Select time fuse, 15 “Yes” CLOSE shutter. “Shoot Red,” continue to say “Red” or “Yellow” depending on which lever is on top until the shutter closes. “Run” (RIP Geno) “Calm Down”


OPEN Case “Run Hatch 1” “Run Hatch 2” OPEN Hatch Panel

The Lab

“Run Experiment Rack 2,” “Check Up,” ANALYZE Shoe “Storage Booths,” “Check Control Device,” ON Input Panel Enter codes as Rio says them. The codes she picks are random, so listen closely OFF Control Device “Naomi” “No,” “Yes” “Run Hatch 6”

Monitor Room

“Yes,” “Yes” FIGHT: Final Boss (Final Boss can be two cycled in the best case. Things can go south, but there’s no huge danger of dying. Read up on it in the writeup.) Spam “Love”, there’s no prompt of when is correct to send it.


Enemy List: SLUG Minor enemies. Their weakness is their Mouth and Stomach, and you can only hit these spots if they stand up, roll over, or fly at Rio. Very easy to way get around waiting for them to start an animation is to shoot them in the head and then shoot the mouth while they are recoiling. Most early slugs can be taken out immediately with a HEAD, MOUTH command.

Orange Slugs are unique: These can be killed by just shooting the Head.

If a slug jumps on you, SHAKE it off.

WORM Shoot out the Right Eye, Middle Eye, and Left Eye. Then shoot out the Red Eye. If the Worm is still alive, take out the Mouth next, and then the Tail. To hit the tail shoot it after anything else while it’s recoiling, get behind it, or wait for it to electrify.

EVIL HAND The Evil Hand will not attack you if you are too close to it. If you are far enough away, however, the Evil Hand will do a little dance and then shoot its long Tongue at you. You want the Evil Hand to shoot its Tongue, because shooting the Tongue is a one hit kill. You can force a tongue reveal with EYE to immediately follow with TONGUE.

FROG Frogs are unique in that they always drop an item (usually a Launcher Shell, though sometimes a Heal Capsule). Shoot either the Hind Leg then the Front Leg. When it’s on it’s back shoot out the Right Stomach and Left Stomach, then end it with the Red Stomach. If neither leg is available to shoot you can go for the mouth or tail to flip it.

GIANT PLANT First, shoot the Branches. Then immediately, shoot any of the Eyes. “Branches Left Eye” Repeat until it dies.

YELLOW CRAB Aim for either the Eye or Mouth, whichever is in front of Rio. The Yellow Crab will disappear and then reappear somewhere else. If it reappears in the air, “Jump” as it is landing and then shoot weak area twice. If it appears on the ground, shoot weak area. The worst thing that the Yellow Crab can do is reappear behind Rio, because she hates obeying "Turn Around", so try to keep your back against the wall.

BLUE ALIEN You want about 3 Launcher Shells for this fight as it seriously threatens to end the run without them.

Begin by shooting all the limbs that are glowing red. Flee after he attacks to get behind him to shoot the tail. Once all limbs are no longer glowing, hit him with a Launcher Shell. While he is on the ground, all limbs will glow again, so shoot as many as you can. During his standing up animation he stops glowing for a bit, hit him with another launcher shell and repeat until he’s dead. If you run out of Launcher Shells, "Dodge" him when he attacks, and then shoot the random limb that glows for a short time afterwards.

FINAL BOSS Operator controls the left thruster with the d-pad, Rio controls the right thruster with the Operator's voice. Rio can maneuver in 8 directions: Right, left, up, down, upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left.

To hurt the Final Boss, take out the barriers he shoots with both thrusters, and then position both thrusters directly on the Final Boss in the center while he is vulnerable. You can queue Rio’s thruster to move towards the center directly after the barrier pops.

Kill the little enemies that the Final Boss shoots if it is convenient or you’re about to die, but not if it gets in the way of damaging the Final Boss.

SUBMIT THOSE RUNS. www.speedrun.com/Lifeline