How to get a good run
How to get a good run
Uppdaterad 7 years ago av SuperSqank

You gotta roll 6, 1, 5, 6 and 6 (or 1 and 4+ on the last 2 rolls) Sportscandy is good because it lets you move forward a lot of spaces (the amount of spaces you move forward depends on where the sportcandy is) Blank spaces don't do anything so they are fine although not always optimal. The blue and orange striped spaces give you a minigame which is slow. Purple spaces are Robbie Rotten challenges which aren't too slow but they aren't fast either The blue spaces either give you a Sportacus challenge which doesn't take too long or if you're unlucky, an exercise video which is slow. The pink spaces are EVIL! Stephanie forces you to break it down and dance along to a song. As hilarious as it as trying to dance along to these, they take forever and they are easily the biggest run killers. Even the instructions in season 3 aren't half as long as these dance sequences. If you are blessed with good RNG and you only land on sportscandy and blank spaces with decent rolls, you will get a good run.

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