Defibrillator locations in Dark Carnival Highway
7 years ago
Paraná, Brazil

Apparently 1 defib is guaranteed on Highway. Using director_debug_scavenge_items 1 I was able to track down spots where the defib would spawn. However, I found 2 spots that weren't marked when I used the command mentioned, so there might be some other hidden defib spots. Here are the spots that i found: .

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

I have been looking at Highway inside Hammer editor, and would like to clarify the spawns a little bit. When you load up the map, the game will pick 1 spot out of possible 5 spots, and place one defibrillator there. These are the 5 possible spots:

In addition to this, there are 4 possible spawnpoints for defibs to spawn randomly, and you only need to check 2 spots to see all 4 spawnpoints! Here they are:

Fairgrounds, Coaster and Barns don't contain defib spawnpoints at all, so you have to find one in any of these spots.

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
North Carolina, USA

burhac covered the other spawns, actually, including the hill.

Wooooo RESEARCH! Hopefully this will go into making the next co-op attempts great again. Thanks, guys.

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