5 years ago
Ohio, USA

Thank you very much.

New York, USA

as i have said to both of you, i apologize for not verifying the run. in the past i have been regularly checking the jc2sr, but i had gotten rather busy over the last couple weeks and since runs rarely get submitted, it kind of fell out of my mind. kinda silly since SGDQ just happened.

i also dont go on twitch as much as i used to, otherwise i would have reviewed and verified the run much sooner. in the future, contacting me on steam would be the best thing to do.

either way, i am glad americanchoirboy is a mod, and im alittle surprised he wasnt one already.

again, i apologize for dropping the ball.

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
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Run Verification and You: An Important Notice

Hello Prospective World Record Holder,

If you have submitted a run for any category and it has not been verified within 1 week, please head over to the Just Cause Speedrunning Discord and notify us in the Just Cause 2 channel. We will work to verify or reject your run as quick as possible.


1 year ago
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