All Hamigo Cards - Doodle Route
All Hamigo Cards - Doodle Route
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av Doodletones

This is the route I created for All Hamigo Cards, it IS the first route, so if a better one comes along the way, oh well. ^^;

So important thing of note, you need to play through the tournament twice, so T1 is half of All Golds, other half Any% Unrestricted, T2 is where the Hamigo cards come in and that's where most of this guide is gonna focus on. I will also label which games you need to withdraw from by labeling them with "(skip)", otherwise, presume you have to win these, 1st place.

Quickly going over T1, reminder to just get through these as fast as you can, whilst trying to win the tournament. Beating records loses you time in the speedrun (ironically) so don't strive too hard for that, you want that grey area between winning and record breaking.

T1 D1

  • Opening Ceremony
  • 100hm Dash

T1 D2

  • Tennis Prelims (skip)
  • Hammer Throw
  • Diving (skip)

T1 D3

  • Volleyball Prelims (skip)
  • Hurdles
  • Birdback Riding

T1 D4

  • Pole Vault
  • Tennis Finals (skip)
  • Carrot Pull (skip)

T1 D5

  • Swimming
  • Archery (skip)
  • Sailing (skip)

T1 D6

  • Triple Jump
  • Synchronized Swimming (skip)
  • Volleyball Finals (skip)

T1 D7

  • Marathon (skip)
  • Closing Ceremony

Okay, after that, the game becomes a little more complicated, not a whole lot more, mind you, but a little more complicated than just "win the tournament as fast as you can" because if all goes according to plan, you should have the Hamigo album, the most confusing thing to fill as a kid and wasn't too much better as an adult. Generally, in order to get Hamigo cards you just have to talk to most hams, but there are some with special prerequisites you have to meet in order to unlock them and THOSE are the ones you really have to be cautious about, because if you miss those, you'll have to go back and redo a third tournament in order to fill that album and you aren't going to want to do that... that'd be another 30 minutes, at best.

So, to go over what we got;

T2 D1

  • Opening Ceremony After the first tournament, you can skip the beginning part here in the same manner that you would any award ceremony, (basically, hit "B") and that'll save you a boat load of time for the second tournament.


  • Hamtaro
  • Bijou
  • Panda
  • Maxwell
  • Dexter

Once you get into the clubhouse though, this is where things get fun, so you start with Hamtaro's card (1) and immediately get Bijou's card out the gate (2), afterwards, head up the nearby ladder to go say "hi" to Panda, typically, he'd stop you if you tried to leave anyway without hearing that he tinkered with the Hamster Greeting Machine... Thing up there, so you want to skip some of that dialogue by going up to him instead of having him come to you, afterwards talk to him and get the card (3) before heading down the slide from the other side of the upper area down to Maxwell (4) and Dexter (5).

Afterwards, head to the Stadium.


  • Stripes
  • Howdy

Not too much to say here, just, on your way in, stop and talk to Stripes to get his card (6) and make your way to the 100hm Dash again, Howdy will give you his card as you register (7) then win the 100hm Dash race again. Yes, I said win it again, don't withdraw, this will be important later.


  • Sandy
  • Stan
  • Snoozer

After the event, go back to the Ham-Ham Clubhouse for Sandy's (8), Stan's (9), and Snoozer's Hamigo cards (10), then go to sleep for Day 2:

T2 D2 Clubhouse

  • Postie

Day 2, pre-event gets you Postie's Hamigo card out the gate (11), so just go through the text and go to the Tennis Court.

Tennis Court

  • Hamberto
  • Ivy
  • Leo

On your way to start Tennis Prelims say hi to your opponents to get their Hamigo cards (14), it helps your time to go from the closest ham to you from the hamster hole to the closest to the event, obviously, I don't think I have to explain that, that said, I will say that I find you save more time if you come at the hams for their Hamigos from their side instead of in front of them or behind them since Hamtaro rushes to their left or their right as is, and then rushes back to his place once the interaction is over, so those extra animation frames can be saved if you approach from either side of the hamsters, this is the case with every ham but of course, you might find some are just easier to reach through their front or back as this guide continues, don't worry too much about it at the end of the day.

For the Tennis Prelims, just withdraw, tennis is slow and you won't miss but one medal from what we need by the end of the run.

Tennis Court

  • Hambeard
  • Cubbie

On your way to Hammer Throw, stop by Hambeard (15) and Cubbie for their Hamigo cards. (16) and for the rest of Day 2, those are all the cards you have to get, win Hammer Throw and Diving (you do not skip the latter this time) and go back to the clubhouse for Day 3.

T2 D3 Beach

  • Bunny
  • Rosy
  • Hamstern
  • Hambone
  • Cappy

This day sparks the interesting portions of the All Hamigo Cards run, because minus a small selection of exceptions, you should have most of the free hams Hamigo cards. By this day, if all is right, you should start seeing "special events" pop up, these are important because you can only get Bo's Hamigo card if you get all others, and these special events are the only way to get certain Hamigo cards, these are also the hardest to route around because they require you to already have a certain amount of Hamigo cards in order to activate, I'm not sure how many you need for each one, but this route should get you all of them pretty easily.

On your way to Volleyball, just talk to your fellow competitors on the way to registration for their Hamigo cards (20) plus Cappy, since he's right there at the front door (21), then go in to withdraw Volleyball Prelims. Should also note that by this point, you should have all the Seaham cards, this isn't exactly important info, but since they are the second biggest team only under yours, I think it's fun trivia that you get all of them so early.


  • Lapis

So here's where things get interesting, remember how I explained that there are "special events" for certain hams to appear? Well, after coming out of Volleyball you'll get a notification saying that "Robo-Joe" is causing a ruckus at the Tennis Court, and you're gonna want to drop everything to go sort him out, or at the very least, before you go to the next event, you can feel free to talk to Lapis on your way to the tennis court for her Hamigo card (22)


  • Robo-Joe

So when you arrive at the Tennis Court, you see Maxwell and Robo-Joe standing there, Maxell gives you a quick rundown of what's going on and that you need to trap Joe in his shenanigans, the way to do that is by standing in front of wherever he's facing to get him to run himself into a corner, you do this about 3 times before you can go down to talk to him and get his card. (23) Afterwards, feel free to go back to the Stadium and win Hurdles.


  • Crystal
  • Dewey


  • Flora

After Hurdles you're going to want to go to the Beach and the Athlete's Village as there are some hams there that I have no idea what the prerequisites are to get them, so... just get them now, Dewey and Crystal are on the right side of the beach (25) and Flora should be on the upper side of the Athlete's Village (26), idk if they stay there after this point so it's important you get them now for this route in particular until we can get a better idea of why they're there. But if you think we're done with the arbitrary trips to other places in day 3, think again. But go win Birdback Riding before opening up the next special event.


  • Omar

Once you're done with birdback riding, you should get an announcement that Hamstudios found something that a ham named "Omar" had lost and you can tell him he lost the thing on top of the pool (27), just a tip, use the mushroom on the left of the pool to get to Omar faster, afterwards you can climb back down the ladder and go back to the clubhouse.


  • Oxnard

In the clubhouse, go left to talk to Oxnard (28) before going to bed for Day 4.

T2 D4 Clubhouse

  • Boss


  • Lazuli

There's not too much you have to do during the morning segments of Day 4, the big stuff comes after the third event. Talk to Boss at the clubhouse for his Hamigo card (29), then go and win Pole Vaulting, afterwards go to the tennis court and talk to Lazuli on your way to the Tennis Finals for her Hamigo card (30), and withdraw from there, then go to the Yard and win the Carrot Pull.


  • Carrobo

So, earlier I had you skip the Carrot Pull in the first tournament, that's because when you win Carrot Pull, you're introduced to Carrobo out of the minigame and you can interact with him faster than if you were to win the game on the first tournament, because afterwards, he's off in the second segment of the Yard by the big tree and you just have to hope to RNJesus that he's nearby, so winning carrot pull this time is faster than otherwise, once he goes back into his little hole in the ground, pull him out and get his Hamigo card. (31)

You should have 7 gold medals by this point, which is the requirement of wins needed for Sparkle's Hamigo card, so head to the Studio:


  • DJ-Ham
  • Hamstarr
  • Sparkle
  • Mister Mastu
  • Bomegranate
  • Borange
  • Bopaya
  • Bolime
  • Boberry
  • Bogrape
  • Boplum
  • Djungarian Chorus
  • Jingle

So, this part was fun to route, and it's pretty fun to run too, head into the studio and talk to DJ-Ham for his Hamigo first (32) then talk to Bomegranate to start the Bo Bunch minigame, and by minigame, I mean "you have to find every member of the Bo Bunch in colourized order (R.O.Y.G.B.I.V)", they can be found in the other studio rooms where the other shows are held, the locations of each of the Bo Bunch in order go as follows:

Red - Free Orange - Hamstarrs Room (Purple Door) Yellow - Sparkle's Room (Blue Door) Green - Sparkle's Room (Blue Door) Blue - Mastu's Room (Yellow Door) Indigo - Hamstarrs Room (Purple Door) Violet - Free

During this, it is the perfect time to get Hamstarr (33), Sparkle (34), and Mister Mastu's Hamigo cards (35), after finding all the Bo Bunch, you should get all seven of the Bo Bunch's Hamigo cards (Which puts us at 42). Then you can head out to the second segment of Hamstudios to get Jingle (43) and the Djungarian Chorus's Hamigo cards (44) before heading into the clubhouse for day 5.

T2 D5 Pool

  • Warts
  • Daisy

Day 5 and Day 6 are mostly clean up days with not too much to worry about as far as "winning" events go, from here on, you skip any and all events by withdrawing, as that by all means is quicker than actually playing the game. When you get to the pool for the swimming event, you should be able to get Warts (45) and Daisy (46) pretty fast as they're both right next to the door, coincidentally within the inner bit. It's very convenient, and it cleans up all the Djungle cards. After withdrawing from swimming you should get another announcement that Stucky is at the stadium and you should help him. So go do that.


  • Stucky

Free Stucky, he should be in the second side of the Stadium, you'll see little feet trapped in some building blocks, you can't miss him. Get his Hamigo card while you're at it (47). Then go withdraw Archery.


  • Penelope
  • Pashmina

On your way to Sailing, say hi to Penelope (48) and Pashmina (49) while getting their Hamigo cards, filling out the Ham-Hams list, withdraw sailing and go to the clubhouse for Day 6.

T2 D6 Beach

  • Nin-Ham

Day 6 is very straight forward, withdraw all the events, but remember to drop by Nin-Ham at the Volleyball Finals, for whatever the case is, Nin-Ham is mostly accessible during Tennis and Volleyball without having to find him by Carrobo's hiding spot (which iirc is a rare sight), and since there's not a better time to talk to him, you kinda have to go a bit out of your way to say hi to him, but he fills out your Hamigo album (50) minus Prince Bo, but he's like... the last card you get anyway, so that's fine.

Day 7 just has you withdrawing the Marathon again, but if you do everything right, you should get Prince Bo's card (51, but technically Hamtaro's card is Card #0 so we'll just say 50 again), and complete the Hamigo album 100%.

The TL;DR rundown recap goes as such:

T1 D1
- Opening Ceremony
- 100hm Dash

T1 D2
- Tennis Prelims (skip)
- Hammer Throw
- Diving (skip)

T1 D3
- Volleyball Prelims (skip)
- Hurdles
- Birdback Riding

T1 D4
- Pole Vault
- Tennis Finals (skip)
- Carrot Pull (skip)

T1 D5
- Swimming
- Archery (skip)
- Sailing (skip)

T1 D6
- Triple Jump
- Synchronized Swimming (skip)
- Volleyball Finals (skip)

T1 D7
- Marathon (skip)
- Closing Ceremony

T2 D1
- Opening Ceremony
   - Hamtaro
   - Bijou
   - Panda
   - Maxwell
   - Dexter
   - Stripes
   - Howdy
- 100hm Dash
   - Sandy
   - Stan
   - Snoozer

T2 D2
   - Postie
   - Hamberto
   - Ivy
   - Leo
- Tennis Prelims (skip)
   - Hambeard
   - Cubbie
- Hammer Throw
- Diving 

T2 D3
   - Bunny
   - Rosy
   - Hamstern
   - Hambone
   - Cappy
- Volleyball Prelims (skip)
   - Lapis
   - Robo-Joe
- Hurdles
   - Crystal
   - Dewey
   - Flora
- Birdback Riding
   - Omar
   - Oxnard

T2 D4
   - Boss
- Pole Vault
   - Lazuli
- Tennis Finals (skip)
- Carrot Pull 
   - Carrobo
   - DJ-Ham
   - Hamstarr
   - Sparkle
   - Mister Mastu
   - The Bo Bunch
   - Djungarian Chorus
   - Jingle

T2 D5
   - Warts
   - Daisy
- Swimming (skip)
   - Stucky
- Archery (skip)
   - Penelope
   - Pashmina
- Sailing (skip)

T2 D6
- Triple Jump (skip)
- Synchronized Swimming (skip)
   - Nin-Ham
- Volleyball Finals (skip)

T2 D7
- Marathon (skip)
   - Bo
- Closing Ceremony

Hope this helps, and keep in mind that this is kinda the first route to te game, it could be outdated with a bit of theorizing and testing, we could have an entirely different route by next week for all that matters. Have fun running!
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