140 Cheat Sheet
3 years ago
United States

For those who like math and really want to dive into grinding this game hard... I present this 140 glitch cheat sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gHu2oSgKEayAMeMX82lXKKSVdZKOzORtYoAcaohgELY/edit?usp=sharing

It shows how much damage each character takes from each punch, including counters (sorry, story mode only). I made it in preparation for potentially running some IL times for the leaderboards. Some math seems to be slightly off, not sure why, but it should be close. You can use this tool to try and formulate a reliable 140 strategy for different fighters (I use the term "reliable" very loosely here. To attempt this in a full run would essentially be an attempt to match the tas, and would no doubt be extremely painful).

Be warned that having this knowledge may forever ruin this game casually.

I wasn't sure whether to put this in guides or forums, but I decided to put it here so people can reply with any updates/edits they find. If i'm wrong anywhere please let me know and i'll fix it.

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