Trapping granny
24 days ago
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Trapping granny in Steam room is considered glitch?

Zanum tycker om detta
Somerset, England

No, that's a feature of the game since she can break down the wood.

Unless you mean something else, like keeping her in there permanently? If so, please send a video and timestamp of it happening

Redigerad av författaren 24 days ago
Zanum tycker om detta
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Noo, I mean trapping her forever

Zanum tycker om detta
Somerset, England

Then can you send a video of the glitch happening?

Zanum tycker om detta
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Zanum tycker om detta
Somerset, England

Yeah that's just a normal mechanic of the game, meaning it is allowed in Any% Glitchless

United States

Correct. I discovered this about a year ago. Normal

YUMmy_Bacon5 och Zanum gillar detta
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From now on, if so

17 days ago
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