analyzing yeets new world record
2 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

what I see: fast, slow, good at the game, bad at the game, hacker, -7, small pp, large pb, strange username. so is he cheating? we will never know..

i mean what do you think lol

LavinTheKyle, hsblue och 3 andra gillar detta
London, England

he did it on stream, he can consistently get 1:10 runs

no shot he's cheating

plAer_2 tycker om detta
Pennsylvania, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

shut up loop his points are very valid

hsblue och AddoPaddo gillar detta

loop ruins all the fun

St. Louis, MO, USA

very accurate points mods ban yeet


alright alright i guess we gotta do it now

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