Out of Bounds Guide (ENG only)
Out of Bounds Guide (ENG only)
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av CScottyW

There are several places where clipping OOB can save time (both RTA and IGT, but often more RTA than IGT) on the English version of the game. To clip, one must first get on top of a frozen enemy (or any enemy-like object that Samus can instantly land on without a shot cancel, such as a kihunter cocoon or kago) right up against a wall and less than a handful of pixels from a ceiling, or stuck inside a reforming block. Note: getting stuck in a respawning block does not work on the JP version as Samus is forced into a morph if her head is stuck in a block, or the block will break if Samus is already inside it. Getting on top of the enemy sounds simple, but can be very tricky depending on the layout of the room and the hitbox of the enemy. If the ceiling is high up, freezing the enemy without either being inside it already or able to get inside it via a ledge climb can cause it to be inaccessible from directly below. This can be dealt with in two ways: damage boosting into the enemy and freezing it while inside it, and using unmorph spinjumps (will be addressed later) to move yourself towards the wall. Neither of these are very viable during a speedrun unless you are very consistent at them, given that you only have a short amount of time before the enemy thaws (demonstrations of these methods shown after the next section).

The actual clip can be done one of two ways.

The first (and more difficult) is to do an unmorph jump, done by morphing and quickly unmorphing before the morph animation is finished, and then jumping before the unmorph animation is finished. After jumping, hold away from the wall and Samus will be sucked inside it. There is about a 5 frame window for this method. Note: on the JP version, the morphing animation cannot be interrupted, so this will not work. If you get the unmorph jump but do not press away from the wall in time, Samus will fall through the enemy.

The second and far easier method is killing the enemy (if it can be killed). On the English version, killing an enemy while on top of it pushes Samus upward about a quarter of a block. Doing this while up against a wall and near the ceiling, you can get sucked into the wall by holding away from it, just as in the first method. If this method is how you are planning on getting OOB, you should either position the enemy in a way that you can kill it with a beam or charge flare next to a wall or lay a power bomb before getting into position


Ledge grab into the enemy and unmorph jump:

Dboost into the enemy and shoot to kill:

Unmorph spinjump along the top of the enemy and shoot to kill:

strategically position the enemy and pb to kill:

Note that for the second, Samus must enter a spin jump at the peak of her jump.

Navigating the Out of Bounds:

Whenever you are either OOB horizontally or Samus' head is stuck in a ceiling the game will always move you one block (sometimes two depending on your position) backwards relative to the direction you are facing whenever you hit the ground (except in some circumstances, such as being technically within the bounds of the room but in an unaccessible location). If Samus morphs in either of these circumstances, she will stay morphed unless you interrupt her morphing animation with an unmorph, however, morphing is the most convenient (and only) way to move upwards in the OOB, so that will be used in nearly all instances of OOB movement. Jumping while morphed will move Samus exactly one block up and one block backwards and changing the direction Samus is facing will move Samus one block opposite the direction you press (only if Samus is not crouched--she is not able to move while crouched). Everything directly above or below the room is empty space and cannot be traversed in the same way.

After successfully clipping OOB, morph and hold towards the in bounds. Now, if you continue moving in this direction you will completely wrap around the screen horizontally and nearly completely vertically and end up right below the bottom of the room and will start falling down until you hit the top of the room, so this loses much more time than you would initially save (as it takes about a minute to get in line with the room vertically and about as long to fall all the way down and another minute to OOB your way back in bounds); however, if you change directions at the right time, you can end up back in bounds at the height you want to be. The timing is a little different depending on how high you need to go, but it is about halfway up that height that you want to turn around (if the wall is straight). Done correctly, Samus will pop back in bounds where you need to be, or even right into the door to another room (note that you can only (quickly) reach a door from the OOB if you clip on that same wall).

If for some reason you wish to only move horizontally, you would need to chain together multiple unmorph spinjumps. These are done in very much the same way as unmorph jumps, except that you hold the direction opposite the way you want Samus to move during the jump instead of after jumping.

unmorph spinjumps:

While there are many locations where the OOB is accessible, few of them are useful from a human speedrunning perspective. Here is a playlist of all the known time saving OOB clips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFbn8n1s53Y209XkoANj7xJ4jhpIlo6m-