Race% in 2m 47s 183ms by

Alright run but pretty sloppy. Got a lower 2:47, like frames from 2:46 but I didn't think it was worth uploading. It was a better run but I got bad RNG on Jason day 2 and zombies day 3. It's kind of tricky recording with OBS because the emulator gets choppy. I need a flash cart

Day 1 was average, lost some time to the knife and key and cabin switches weren't ideal. Some frames lost to no frame perfect turns and other small things, I think some of the paths weren't taken perfectly. My best day 1 was a half second faster than this one.

There's something weird about the Mayflash adapter I'm using where start and select aren't as responsive as on console, and it's very noticeable here. Cabin switches and switching weapons and to Crissy as a result wasn't that fast, if I try to do it faster it's like it just drops the inputs, I'm not really sure why (edit: select button is actually bad, doesn't press correctly without pushing it so hard it's impossible to do fast cabin switches and is just worse with an adapter for some reason)

The buttons in general just feel slightly less responsive compared to when I play on NES so if I actually wanted record, I'd need an everdrive most likely since those frames do add up.

Day 2 was pretty bad, day 3 was good minus the zombie at the end, nice spawns and throws. Was 1.2s behind my best run ending day 2. It's too easy to lose time on day 2 with how Jason pops up, the zombie, and screen scrolls.

Fjärde platsen
2m 47s 183ms
11 months ago
11 months ago
11 months ago