Youtube embedded videos won't play
3 years ago

Basically, I haven't been able to play a single video embedded from youtube on for a while now. Thinking it could well be a problem with the videos themselves, I tried playing them directly on youtube, but sure enough, I was able to watch them just fine.

Now, I'm unsure whether the problem lies within or within the youtube embeds themselves, but I figured I should report this just in case.


If I'm not mistaken, it may be because you're using an ad blocker.


I'll admit that was a good guess, but even after disabling it the problem persists.

Bavaria, Germany

For everyone that reads this right now disable in Firefox the tracking protection and it should work

Cads tycker om detta

Is it unnecessary if OPs problem hasn't been solved and they have a solution? After all if someone has the same problem they could land on this forum post and see a potential solution now.

Ivory, Cads och 4 andra gillar detta
Glamorganshire, Wales

they could also just have an answer given to them

necroposting isn't a bad thing at all if there's a meaningful contribution, you aren't required to evaluate every post @SkittlesCat83

Ivory, jackzfiml och 2 andra gillar detta
Basque Country

If this was an "unnecesary necropost", then every necropost is; this is literay the most useful necropost i saw in a while lol Honestly, the concept of "necro-post" is more about the cases where a post goes on being completly useless to the topic closed a lot of time ago; it doesnt matter that it is old if there is an answer that no one had given yet And if we wanted to criticise just by time, we also enter a conflict, because at which point those a post tstart to be "necropost" exactly in time period

JulianAlien tycker om detta

here i go unnecessary necroposting woe is me (thanks julian)