Individual Level Categories using seperate measurements
7 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

I am a mod for wave race 64 and was wondering if there is any way to have seperate IL categories display different measurement standards. We would like to add stunts but currently would have to submit scores in timer to represent score, is there a way to display the times for different IL categories in whole numbers? I am sorry if this has been asked already I searched a good bit and couldn't find anything

New Jersey, USA

Depending on how many digits you need, and assuming you want the scores in descending order, the best way you can currently do that is by inverting the category's board (I think that's the term used in the UI) and listing scores as XX:XX.XXX. So, a score of 2,999,999 would be submitted as 29:99.999. I can't check to see exactly what the format is, but hopefully that illustrates the idea.

I know that an admin or site mod has mentioned scoreboards being considered for the future, but I don't know exactly which thread it was.

Found it:

And I did that wrong. You'd actually have many more digits to work with--XXX:XX:XX.XXX, as long as you include everything down to milliseconds.

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

That is exactly the workaround we were thinking of using, I don't see any other option. We will need 5 decimal places, thanks for the headsup anyways

Bavaria, Germany

[quote]I know that an admin or site mod has mentioned scoreboards being considered for the future, but I don't know exactly which thread it was. [/quote] I'm working on this at the moment, so it will be better soonish. Until it's done that workaround is probably the best option.

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
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United States

:O !

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