Bug about Coop run
3 years ago
Kanagawa, Japan

I submitted Coop run in SMBCE and I chose "You are Player 1", but I am "Player 2." After I edit the run, that happened again.



i think who ever submits a coop run will be the one whose name is after the "and"


Are you saying that you chose the option "You are player 1" and put @kaku52 in the field for 2nd player, but your positions got reversed?

Gaming_64 tycker om detta
United States

There is a moderator setting for co-op runs, and it’s something along the lines of “players in different orders obsolete each other.” Basically, if this box is checked, who is player 1 and who is player 2 doesn’t matter. Then I believe it just orders the runners alphabetically.

MinecraftGaming, MrMonsh och 2 andra gillar detta
Kanagawa, Japan

@Pear Oh I understood! Thank you for teaching it!

Kanagawa, Japan

Oh wait I found that there are some runs with non-alphabetical order "Player 1" plays Mario and "Player 2" plays Luigi


It might also be that the players are sorted by their ID (or their creation date), rather by their username.

Gaming_64 och Merl_ gillar detta
United States

@Oreo321 In the OP’s run, the player with the older account is listed first, but in my co-op runs, the player with the newer account is listed first.

MinecraftGaming tycker om detta