Miscellaneous Tips (All Scenarios)
Miscellaneous Tips (All Scenarios)
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av Zanon

**This is just a short guide with some obvious (and some not so obvious) tips and tricks to increase the pace of the game, which generally work with all Monarchs, bar one or two which may be scenario-specific. **

  • Spamming A+C alternately during textboxes makes skipping them faster;

  • Pressing B in-world has the same effect as A or C for skipping text, without the side effect of accidentally opening a menu. So if you are close to having the "Domestic Affairs" message or if you are waiting for an event to trigger (or even if you want to skip those annoying messages about castle levels going up), you can just spam B until the event triggers and then A+C the hell out of it.

  • If you ever find a Flying Crest, make sure your monarch gets it, and raise it to 100 units before the final battle and use them. Harpies have a faster attack animation, which works wonders against the likes of Katmando and Madruk 2.

  • You can manipulate Paine and Agonni / Gasper&Friends to become stuck at their spawn place. When they are walking towards your monarch, send your monarch their way provided they will have a "check point" to stop at on the way towards your monarch. (a city, a "direction-turn" dot, for example, like the ones around Palemoon, there are many on the map). If done correctly, you will see they stop and do the "(...)" before turning back. They will go back to their spawning spot and stay there for the rest of the game.

  • You can also make Katmando stop tracking your leader. If you play with Mikhal, try to get Mikhal to a southward castle, so that Katmando goes south towards Royal Castle and loses to Kyoem. He will default to his spawning place and won't move until you defeat him. With Gongos, you can try and move Yuug by making the Yuug AI chase "empty Castles" all the way to Royal Castle. Then when you clear the Forest Shrine, get Gongos and Gunner to Izumo, wait for all the other Monarchs to be at Bloodly Castle and then march on, get rid of Yuug, get rid of Katmando, and win the game. Alternatively, make sure you have some random officer at both Royal and Estonia castles. When Katmando attacks it, retreat. His AI will remain stuck on that area, either travelling south-north or west sometimes (the latter being useful if Katmando gets stuck travelling between Bloodly and Ginan castles)

  • Don't use spells vs Madruk 2. Just let your troops do their thing. Just use one spell vs Madruk 1 instead.

  • Avoid using the "Y" Shortcut menu for the spells. As it first displays dialogue before the spells animations. You can use that tactically (say, to make your troops get a few steps into an enemies "protect formation" or "raid formation" for example), but overall I would not recommend using it too often.

  • If you are expecting a "Draw" (like with Wein at the shrine), just keep your camera set on "ALL". It saves a few seconds by immediately displaying the text box without waiting for the camera to move.

more to be added every now and then. If you have any suggestions, post them in the forum or discord!

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